Let the War Begin

Start from the beginning

He hopped in his speeder headed towards the childs home, he put on his kindest face and knocked on the door.

"Hello, I'm looking for Ember, her parents sent me to fetch her."

The woman raised an eyebrow pretty sure she didnt believe him "I'm sorry, her uncle just came and collected her.. I'm not sure where they were headed."

Sideous reached through the force and frowned confirming what she had said the child wasnt here. He turned heading back to his speeder, and tried to chase them down.

He made it to the space port just as a ship took off at high speed... And he knew Ember Starr had slipped from his grasp.



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After chasing Jango through an asteroid field, almost dying, pretending they were dead, and a lot of complaints about flying from Obi-Wan they arrived on Geonesis.

Flying through the planets atmosphere Ember frowned "Hey, I'm getting a distress signal due North, i'm going to go check it out, you keep following Fett."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, dont worry about me." She cut off the intercom and headed north, Obi-Wan frowned watching her fly away

"Thats hard my love."

Ember landed near the distress signal and jumped out of her fighter "Stay here R-7, I'll be back."

She headed towards the outcropping that the signal was coming from, what she saw made her freeze in disbelief

"Mark V!"

Meanwhile Obi-Wan was running back towards his ship he had found a hide out crawling with fighter droids, the trade federation, and Count Dooku.

 He had to inform the council and find Ember ASAP, he arrived at his ship and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his wife standing next to her ship.

His relief quickly disappeared when he saw the look on her face, the same look she had the night that Qui Gon Jin was murdered.


The voice that replied was cold "Did you find them?"

He paused "Yes... Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." She moved forward "I just have someone to kill."

He reached out to grab her "Let me to Kenobi.. I have to do this."

"You arent thinking.. This is anger I dont know what happened but you have to calm down."

" I am perfectly calm." She said in a dead sounding voice, to anyone else it would sound calm but Obi-Wan knew better

"No this is how you are when your angry, when you want to get back at someone... You only get loud when your hurt."

Somewhere in the Gray- A Star Wars Story- Obi-WanXOCWhere stories live. Discover now