Dorm leaders with a shrunken girlfriend

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Request: Hi Aries how are you? this is my first time here so could you write the dorm leaders reaction (with jamil instead of kalim) with your sweetheart who was the victim of an accident of a lot of shrinkage? now she has to live a week in pocket size? *cute slightly NSFW by anjels001 on tumblr

Genre: headcanons

Pairing: Riddle/reader, Leona/reader, Azul/reader, Jamil/Reader, Vil/Reader, Idia/Reader, Malleus/Reader

Warnings: mentions of being stepped on(?), 

Pronouns: she/her

Riddle Rosehearts:

Is visibly freaking out when he sees how small you got

Gets started working on a cure almost immediately but soon learns that it's a timed spell

Pretty good at taking care of you while you're in this state

Cuts all the sweets extra small for you to eat

Lets you sit on his head or shoulder during the day so that you can still go to class

Is super scared that someone might accidentally step on you so you're never really set down on the floor during this time period

You attempt to make a joke about him finally being taller than you!

He does not find this amusing :(((

Leona Kingscholar:

Damn- Now? Really? Fine

Acts really disinterested because now you're even more of a hassle to take care of ( don't listen to his words he's actually really worried)

Treats you even more gently than before, almost like glass

Kinda just put you on your own personal pillow next to him as he takes a nap

When it comes to food he teases you about the fact that a blueberry looks like a watermelon next to you

Also scared that someone might step on you but in a more aggressive manner

May actually put you in his pocket and then remembers you need oxygen

Azul Ashengrotto:

He's trying to appear calm and collected but inside he wants nothing more than to hide in his octopus pot

Quickly throws himself into trying to find a way to return you back to your original form only to discover it's purely based on time

Tries his best to keep you far away from Floyd during your time stuck like this

Keeps you in the breast pocket, on the outside of his uniform, throughout the days

Usually lets you sit/lay down on his desk while he's writing up contracts, may occasionally ask you to hand him some stationary every now and again

Happily cuts up some dishes from the monstro lounge for you

Doesn't make a lot of jokes but isn't too serious either 

Jamil Viper:

Is also visibly freaking out because of it

He's already busy with Kalims shenanigans and now he has to take care of his pocket-sized girlfriend 

After he calms down a little he lightly teases you by poking your cheeks (he stops after you bite him)

Sometimes he forgets normal food is giant to you so he ended up making too much

Never puts you in his pockets because he knows how hot it could get

Usually lets you sit only on his shoulder but might let you hang off his hair or sit on his head if he's in a good mood.

Considers accepting Kalims help but decides against it after he remembers how Kalim acts around small animals

He'll only let Kalim hold onto you whenever he's really tired.

Vil Schoenheit:

Surprisingly calm about the situation

Does very quick research about what happened and decides he would be the best option to take care of you

Doesn't hide you from Epel but he doesn't let him hold you, he knows the boy can be a bit rough

Treats you like an actual doll during the week

He makes you small clothes that he dresses you up in

He even tries his hand at making small accessories

He mostly feeds you small fruits like blueberries or strawberries 

Sometimes gives you apple slices

Mostly just carries you in his hand but does occasionally let you sit on his shoulder.

Idia Shroud:


This is the worst outcome ever! 

Has the worst reaction out of all of them by far

You and Ortho have to try to calm him down for hours

When he does finally calm down he makes a joke about this being like that one anime where - (humour him he's coping very badly)

He doesn't know how to cook all that well so he just kinda crushes up some chips and pours soda into the cap

He's trying his best okay-

Never leaves his room so there's not much of a fear of you getting stepped on

One time forgot you were on the shelf with his anime figures and freaked out when he saw you

Malleus Draconia:

After the initial shock wears off he'll find the situation quite amusing

Is also quick to look for a cure only to discover it's timed

Likens you to a pixie much to your annoyance

Often dresses you in clothing made for pixies and even tries to do your hair (he failed)

He lets you sit in between his horns (Sebek was not pleased)

Is fairly good at cooking so he sometimes makes you tiny dishes

Bought a cupcake for you that lasted the entire week

He also makes sure you have your very own tiny bed to sleep in during the week

Bonus! Yuuken Enma:

Eh- not the weirdest thing he's seen in Twisted Wonderland

Not to say he doesn't care about you! He's just used to seeing much worse

Pretty good caretaker for the most part- he's had to take care of Grimm

Forgets that Appel seeds would be really hard for you to eat (and forgets that they have trace amounts of cyanide)

Makes popcorn in order to try and make up for the appel seed stuff

Can't afford a luxurious pillow or custom made bed for you but he does get you a normal pillow and an old baby blanket

Another part of the shoulder gang

You know that one trend where girls hold boba cups between their breasts?

He did that but with you (only once :(( though)

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