Chap 25: Admiration and the True Meaning as Detective

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When they got into the lady house, they meet her son and his fiance on the front door and they go straight to her husband office. But when they go inside and what shocked them when the husband suddenly collapse when after the lady tried to wake him. They immediately know that the husband already died and for that the case start.

While Hattori trying to solve the case, he can't focus because he were worried about his competition more than solving the case. Meanwhile Conan take this case seriously rather than him, he even tried to endure the pain that coming from his body just to solve the case.

Then his body can't take it anymore and for that he collapse, he don't know why but he felt something squeezing his heart making he had the problem to breath. He also can felt his body kind of burning inside like his bone is functioning and starting to grown.

The first thing he conclude is that his body start to turn back into his original body and this make him panic. He don't want anyone see him change and for that he need to hide but he can't leave the case unsolved. So he ask his sister for help, he told her that he already solve the case but his condition prevent him to give some deduction.

So he told her to solve the case in his state and said that Hattori will make some mistake in his deduction and get a wrong person instead, but his sister didn't even budged at her place on his side said that she don't want to leave him in this state and saw the changing on his body right now.

Conan know that they still have time, so they wait. After about an half hours, Conan manage to turn back into Shinichi without even need to use transformation magic. Shizuku take out a cloth that will fit on her brother size and give it to him to change.

When he done changing, Shinichi hurriedly walk to the crime scene even thought his feet wobbling trying so hard for not to collapse. When he got there, he already heard Hattori voice claiming someone as the culprit so he hurriedly corrected him before the police drack a wrong person to the police station.

He clear that person name and pointing of what Hattori missed and claim the wife of the killed husband is the real culprit. He proof that she is the real culprit and the one Hattori blame know about this to. After that the wife finally confess of why she did it and told them what her husband have done. After her confession, police take her away to the station for the question.

Everything was done the case is close, Shinichi lean on the side door with heavy sigh and sweat on his forehead. Hattori approached him and give a smirk "As expected, your good. You win and I'm lose." said him in satisfies. He admit that his rival deduction is superior than him, "So my deduction was wrong from the beginning? It look like I lost from the start. That was good of you, Kudou. Your deduction were superior to mine." said Hattori.

While Shinichi tried to calm his fast heart beating rate that starting to make him difficult to breath again and panting heavily, he know that he gonna change back into Conan so he need to get out of there and make sure no one saw him when the changing process. He turn around to Hattori when he heard what he said "Stupid. In detective work, there's no winning or losing...there's no being superior or inferior...That because...there is always one and only one truth." said Shinichi. His voice hoarse trying to hold his pain.

Hattori heard the word in awe and know that what his view as detective is lacking and knew that he more focus competition than solving the case and finding the truth. But what Shinichi said earlier make him realize his mistake as a detective, "Your right. It looks like I was too worried about our contest and lost my cool." said Hattori admit his mistake but when he heard the groan of pain for Shinichi he turn around saw him kneeling in pain.

"Oi, Kudou. It is really just a cold?" ask Hattori in worried but Shinichi ignore him knowing he don't have much time until he change back to Conan. He walk away wobblily from the room, "Nii-san!!" call the familiar voice. When Shinichi turn around he saw his sister looking concern at him, he also can heard the two footstep coming on this way knowing who is it. He knew that Ran and the doctor will come to him anytime soon.

"Shizu...cough...take me home" said Shinichi in his hoarse voice. Shizuku heard him and she hurriedly gave him support to walk, they walk out from the house to empty street. Until Shizuku make sure that's no one is around them or hiding somewhere from them, then she use transported magic to take them to they apartment. Then she brought his brother to his room and lay him on the bed, Shinichi can felt the pain on his heart is getting heavier and he can't take it anymore he scream.

His scream make Shizuku clutching his hand tightly with her eyes close with tears flowing, she can't take it seeing her precious brother were in pain and she keep chanting the word "It's's gonna be okay..." said her in tears. After about half an hour, Shinichi finally calm down and his body already turn back to Conan and was unconscious. Shizuku wipe her tears after didn't heard her brother scream anymore and saw that he was back to Conan again.

She then check his temperature and realize that he still had a fever but it's calm down a little. So she get out from the room to get a wet towel and medicine for him. She even decide to stay at night to make sure he was okay and keeping his temperature from going high again.


A next day, Conan finally recovered must Shizuku relief. Conan knew that he make his sister worried again and he can see the red circle on her eyes showing that she's crying. This make him more guilty than before, he make his precious sister crying.

He never make her cry before and he know he unconsciously make her cry and he felt bad about it. He tried to apologize to her, telling her that he was sorry for troubling her, making her cry and everything.

But Shizuku just told him that she don't mind and said that as his sister it is of course to help each other when one of them is trouble, that's how a good relationship between sibling's. Conan was gratitude for that but sometime he think that his sister is helping him to much and he felt guilty about it.

Not only she help him, she also were helping Kaito. They know that they depend on her magic knowledge and her skill to help them on taking down the black organization, but they can't always depend on her too much because it will cause danger for her.

With how the black organization were going crazy just by wanting the myth gem stone power and will do anything to get they hand on it even eliminate someone that goes on their way, he and Kaito had no doubt that if THEY know about Shizuku power, they will targeting her for her power.

For that he don't want for it to happen, that's why he be careful when he use the magic power his sister give to him and will use it when it only for emergency. The only thing he can do to protect his sister is just to keep her ability in secret and keep an eyes for someone that targeting her.


After the whole thing happen in the past two day, they finally back to they life routine. The two having a breakfast together when Shizuku remember something, "Sou, sou. I almost forgot. Nii-san, that time how you get turn back into your original form? It wasn't my magic that make you in that condition isn't it?" ask her looking at her brother in curiosity waiting for answer.

When she ask about how he turn back into his original body back without even using trans magic, he finally remember about it. He already make a conclusion that the reason he turn back is maybe because of the alcohol Hattori gave it to him.

So he told about it to his sister, after Shizuku listen to his explanation she start to think. "What your temperature that time before you drink it?" ask her, Shinichi hummed tried to think of the correct answer for her. "I think about 37.0 degree?" answer Shinichi unsure, he look at his sister that were in thought. "I need to take a look more about it" mutter her in soft voice but he can heard her because of his sharp ears.

He had no clue of what she been thinking but he know that she's talking about the drug in his system. He hope she find something that will help him turn back into his original body back, he starting to get annoyed for having to use Kaito face whenever he use those magic.


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