Hidden || Jikook

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Jeongguk is sent to find the magic garden by the king, however he finds something much better than he was expecting.


Jeongguk had been travelling for days and was beginning to lose hope in finding the magic garden that many had talked about recently.

He had been sent out by his king to find it, in hopes of using the magic that it has been told to possess. He had heard only from a few that it can grant you a wish if you lay a hand upon it.

Jeongguk however heard differently and was actually worried about finding the hidden garden where the tree stands.

Along his path he had stopped and looked up at the random archway in front of him, something about it felt strange. However, anything strange to him seemed like a good sign.

As soon as he stepped through the archway, he noticed that the air around him felt different. He tried to ignore the new feeling that washed over him as he walked further down the small dirt trail, until he eventually came to a stone path.

When he took the first step onto the new path, he heard a snap of a twig somewhere behind him. He turned to look around, he didn't see anyone, but he did catch a bush moving.

So now he felt weird and on edge that someone was clearly following, for a reason he does not know.

Walking down the stone path, the trees soon turned into tall pillars. The walkway looking like it is leading him into a ruin of some sort.

The white pillars soon block out the view of the forest around him by big thick vines. They cover the pillars and the gaps between them, while also proving shelter above him, as they join together to create what the hunter would describe as a vine tunnel.

He walked slower now, admiring the pathway and how pretty he thought it looked. However inside himself, he could feel the feeling of being followed creeping up on him.

So he turned around again, as the same as before, he doesn't spot anyone. When he turned around again though, he did pull an arrow out from the quiver on his back, to set it in his bow.

He wanted to be ready incase whatever was following him decided to attack suddenly.

The male kept down the path, looking around at the surrounding area, observing when the vines had turned into an actual ceiling the more he went along, that he didn't notice he had come to some stairs.

He only seen them once he kicked the first step.

He looked back once more before he started to venture up the small steps, already seeing a garden on the risen level that the stairs led up to.

He looked back once more before he started to venture up the small steps, already seeing a garden on the risen level that the stairs led up to

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