Chapter 23 Settling In

Start from the beginning

"Whoever knew that Dust can be fatal " I coughed out again.

"Better get working" Levi suddenly had a broom and a dust feather. I mentally groaned and take the dust feather and broom from him. I grab a long piece of cloth and tie around my mouth.

"This is going to take forever"

~Time skip~

It did take forever, the crescent moon was in the sky. I collapse on my bed, my arms felt sore from raising my arms for hours nonstop.

"Oi! Did you forget to something" Levi walks into my room.

"I don't think so?" I guessed.

"Tch, clean my room. And this room is good enough" Levi walks out once again.


~Time Skip~

"I'm done " I said relieved. I walked back to my room and plopped onto my bed without hesitation.

Levi's POV
"Hmmm that brat did something good for once" I inspected the walls for any dust.

"Tch, It's still not good enough" I marched to her room, but found her asleep. She was sleeping in her dirty clothes, I sighed then put the bed sheets over her.

"I'll make you clean tomorrow" I smirked and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight" I closed the door, leaving the sleeping F/n.

Your POV
I quickly rose out of bed. I was covered in sweat and dust from my other clothes.

"Damn did I get a nightmare?" I asked myself. I shrugged and went to take a shower, after that I put on my f/c shirt and f/c pants. I looked out the window, I saw a light behind the hills, the sun was slowly getting up.

Then I saw something beautiful, a deer on the hill. Meat was very valuable and there it was, in front of me, eating on the hill. The deer must've notice me, it looked up at me. I saw myself in the reflection in its big eyes, my head started throbbing with pain.

"Ahh!! G-ggawhhh!!" I clench my head with my hands. It was the same pain at the meadow, I knew what was happening. A memory was coming back to me.

~Flash back~

"We're going underground?" I asked Allison. A few months ago, I was raped by my uncle, but Allison had saved me. My uncle is still alive, and he is still looking for us.

We've been running away from him but the people we meet, betrayed us. My uncle had put a huge reward for whoever would bring us back to him.

"Yes we have to go underground. His spies will never go underground, it has too many thugs" Allison explained. A large wagon was making its way underground.

"Hurry! Let's go" Allison grabs my hand and we get into the wagon silently, It is full of 3D Maneuver Gears.

After a hour later.

"Let's go" Allison grabs a 3D MG and jumps off of the wagon. I jump off without one.

"Hey!!! You there!!!" The merchant calls out, pointing to Allison. Allison throws a sand at the merchant, making his eyes full of sand.

"Shit! Run F/n! Take this with you! They'll only chase after me!" Allison hands the 3DMG to me. It's heavy but I run like I was being chase by a pack of wolves.

I run into a dark alley, and hid behind a pile of junk. I hear footsteps coming towards me, my heart is pumping hard.

"Shit where did she go?!!!"

I had to be quiet but my mouth was breathing heavily, then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I become stiff as a board and look at who's behind me, it's a girl that's looks a couple years older than me. She puts a finger over her lips, she walks out to the two merchants.

"Hey you girl!! Have you seen a girl with a type of gear with her?!? With h/c hair and e/c eyes?!?" One of the merchant demands.

"Oh my gosh! She's a thief!?? I saw her go up there where the food market is!!" The girl puts on a distress expression.

"Come on!" The two merchants run down the street. The girl who saved my life comes back to me.

"P-please don't hurt me!! " I took a step back.

"Don't worry! I won't! What's your name?" the girl asks

"My name is Grace..... Thank you for getting rid of them..." I lied, I needed to lie about my identity, even if I was underground I was still being hunted down.

"No problem! And my name is Isabel, Isabel Magnolia. But I got to go now, or my Big Brother is going to be mad" Isabel says, I nod my head. Before she runs off, I stop her.

"W-Wait!!" I run up to her.

"P-Please take this!!! To say thank you for saving my life" I give her the 3D MG, her eyes widen.

"A-Are you sure!!?? 3D MG are hard to come by" Isabel looks at me astonish.

"Yea please! But I also have this and some money to repay you!!" I take out my Butterfly hair clip and a sack of coins that I stole from my uncle. Her eyes mostly focuses on the Hair clip. I put it in her hand.

"Please take them" I bowed down. She puts the hair clip back into my hand.

"I-I can't take your money but is it alright I can take the 3D MG?" She asks. I nod my head.

"You don't want the hair clip??" I asked her.

"It's beautiful but it looks very something valuable to you" she smiles and runs off with the 3D MG.

I went to look for Allison, I went back to place where we were separated, and ran into the direction I last saw her. After 30 minutes I saw a body laying on the ground.

"A-Allison?!!?!" I ran towards her, her face was bruised and she has a knife cuts on her arm.

"F/n? Are you alright?" She croaks out.

"I'm sorry!! About the 3D MG I-I..." I sobbed, Allison places her hand in my head.

"It's fine, I got another one. It's under there" she points at a sheet covering something.

"Did you know I use to be in the cadets? After I graduate I just went to live my life normally without signing into Military police or anything" She said, patting my head.

"I-I'm so weak!" I cried out.

"Once again I had someone save my life! I'm such a burden"

"F/n I'm not going to die, I'll heal. And when I heal I'll teach and train you everything I know" She smiles.

"I'll protect you the way you protect me!! With my life!" I said.

'Isabel Magnolia?'

~End of Flash back~

"Isabel Magnolia?" I heard myself say.


I didn't realized I haven't breathed, I gasped out for air clawing at my throat. My head screamed, echoing in my head.


I hear Levi's voice, pain shoots up on my back.

"F/n!!! Wake up!!"

I force my eyes open, Levi's face is the first thing I see.

"I'm s-sorry Corporal. It was a nightmare" I lied, as I pant for air.

Levi looks at me, pissed off.

"Stop lying! I heard you say Isabel Magnolia"

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