Chapter 2 Starting

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Aha I just want to keep writing!! Aha hope you guys like it. Like I said Levi won't be on for a little bit x) don't worry!!! He will be soon!!

Your POV
The last few hours Me and Sam had a make out session until we ran out of breath then falling into a deep sleep after that.

My hands came across something an unfamiliar touch. I open my eyes, Sams jacket was on me. My eyes widen.

'Kyaaaa!!! SAMS JACKET' I screamed in my mind.

Then that's when I realized I was centimeters from Sams face. I quickly jerked away from him, making myself fall on the ground of the carriage.

Sams POV
I was having a wonderful dream, not worrying about anything. All the food I want, the money, and the women.

Yes. All the women I could ever wanted. I only joined the cadets to live in luxury. I bet F/n did too, like her father, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


I woke to a sudden noise. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, finding F/n on the ground, I chuckled.

"Stop laughing!!!" F/n pouted. I tried to keep my laughs in but I couldn't help it.

"How did you fall while you were sleeping? I was holding onto you" I said while holding in my laughs.

"Something" F/n mutters, she was clearly angry at me. I sighed, and grabbed her waist pulling her close to me.

'I hope tricking this girl would be worth it. She's too easy' I thought.

Your POV
Sam grabs my waist and brings me close up to his lips. We were inches away from our kiss until the carriage suddenly stopped and Sam fell forward taking me down with him.

"Ouch" I said, my eyes open slightly and widens at the position I am with Sam.

Sams face was burrowed into my chest, his hands pinned my arms to the ground.

'He's..... On..... Top.... Of... Me'

My mind took awhile absorbing the idea.

Sam opens his eyes too and realizes our position and He quickly gets off of me. My face is full of embarrassment and anger.

"Baka!! I swear I'm goin-" I was going lecture at Sam but the carriage door swung open. My eyes focused the bright sunlight that came through the door.

We. Were. Here.

I decided to not start my lecture on Sam, Because I was too excited yet nervous for joining the cadets. I turned to the door, taking a deep breath.

My legs couldn't move, my body was stiff. I don't know why but I couldn't go out.


Sam probably knew what I was thinking. He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me which reassured me.

"I'll always be here for you" Sam smiled.

I walked out, believing in those words. Not knowing in the future that they were lies.




I couldn't wait for writing another chapter >~< ❤️❤️❤️❤️ hope you guys like it, I'll try to write everyday

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