She pointed towards the other 3 beds, and there were Dokuga, Kuroshi, and Katsuki. Well, one was empty as one of them was on the ceiling.

Dokuga was the one on the ceiling, clearly jumped from Nagisa's sudden yelling. Some cuts were noticeable from his arms due to his fight with Cross Chara.

Kuroshi had just woken up, and he was giving everyone a deadpan stare. He had a few cuts from fighting with the white guy with the giant knife.

Katsuki was still asleep, but was shivering still from the cold that he suffered from the USJ.

Dokuga: "Well thanks for noticing our Existence!"

Izuku: "You're welcome. So, how are you guys?"

Dokuga: "Overall, fine. Just a few cuts, nothing too bad."

Kuroshi: "Same. We could just regenerate them, but it takes energy to do so."

Izuku: "Well, it's a relief to see you guys alright."

Kuroshi: "Thanks, man."

Dokuga: "Thanks."

Izuku: "No prob. So where's Recovery Girl?"

Hikori: "Went to the Bathroom. She'll be here soon."

Mizuki: "Or right now."

And the door opened. Recovery girl came in.

Recovery Girl: "Back from the dead, I see. Good. I was getting worried that I had to put someone in a body bag soon."

Izuku: 'The hell?'

Recovery Girl: "Well, now that I see you're still alive, guess it's time for your checkups. Girls, please go out for a bit."

The three went out, and Recovery did checkups on the ones that had come back to life. But, she had to get Dokuga down from the ceiling first.

After that, she discharged them, and they went back to the dorms. On their way back, they had some small talk.

Dokuga: "So, how's Himiko doing?"

Hikori: "She went with you to Recovery Girl's office from the moment you were sent there. She was told to go back to the dorms early because her parents were called upon... As well as everyone else's."

Dokuga: "I see."

Kuroshi: "How was Set?"

Hikori: "She's doing alright."

Kuroshi: "Thank God."

Izuku: "How about Izumi, Shoka, Kat, and Ocha? How are they?"

Hikori: "They're tired, and our aunties and uncles are at the dorm as we speak. Principal Rat said that he has an announcement for the school, but he's told the other courses ahead of time about it. Only the first year hero courses weren't."

Izuku: "That's a relief to hear. But what's Nezu's announcement?"

Mizuki: "Only one way to find out, I guess."

They made it back to the dorms, and they were greeted by everyone's parents present in the main lobby, except for Katsuki's being Toshinori and Inko.

Haru was still exhausted and injured, and Sora was with him at the nearby Hospital. So Raku and Yuki were in their stead as Mizuki, Dokuga, and Kuroshi's guardians.

Nezu: "Izuku, Dokuga, and Kuroshi. You're here. It's a relief to see you back."

Izuku: "Good to be back. It's even better to see everyone alright."

He walked over to where his Dad and his lovers were at and gave them all a hug.

Nezu: "Hmm. Now that everyone is here, I suppose I could give out my announcement now?"

The Quirky Hero: One for all {Notice: Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now