Chapter 10: Mutual Aggression

Start from the beginning

He then says, "You wanna talk about hair, huh? I'm gonna shave you like a toy poodle!"

That makes Grim madder and throws his fires, "Myaaaah!"

Briar and Sereia move away from the action and the fire has spread in some grass areas and some of the leaves on the trees. Unknown to them, the fire in the trees ends up spooking something glowing and causes the object to fly away. The fire continues to fly at the area as the flying object flies and ends up falling on Briar's head. Briar looks around to see what hit her head, but she looks to find nothing. She then turns to see the boys still fighting.

"Grim, stop it!" Briar calls out, but Grim isn't listening.

Ace says, "Oh-ho! How do you like that?!"

With that, Ace brings out what looks like a pen. It's black and hold, and it has a red gem on it. He uses it to create a powerful wind that moves the fire away from him. Briar and Sereia quickly move out of the way in opposite directions.

Grim angrily cries out, "H-hey! His magic winds are blowin' my fireballs off course! No fair!"

"Guys, stop this fighting!" Briar calls out.

But Ace and Grim continue to attack each other with their magic. Grim breathes his fire powers while Ace blows them away with his wind magic. Sereia and Briar try their best to stop them, but nothing is working. Soon enough, they end up attracting a crowd.

One of the Heartslabyul students asks, "What's going on over there? A fight."

Another student with a different uniform of yellow and black band, with animal ears arrived as well.

He says, "Oh sweet, Get'em!"

Briar calls out, "Don't encourage them!"

Then turns to the fight, "Grim! Ace! Stop! You're going to get yourselves into deep trouble!"

Briar and Sereia see the fire coming and quickly move out of the way. Briar is able to get to a safe distance as Sereia finds herself standing in front of the Queen of Heart's statue.

Soon Ace says in a remark, "Awww... Can't hit me with your little fireballs?"

Grim growls, "Grrr... you better believe I'm about to!"

"You guys!" Briar calls out.

But the boys still won't listen.

Grim then cries out, "Take this!"

And fires his fire powers once more.

"Pfft." Ace replies, "All it takes is a little gust and..."

With that, Ace performs his magic, "Hah!"

With that, Ace's magic causes the fire to swerve to a different direction. But the direction it's heading towards the Queen of Heart's statue... with Sereia in front of it.

Briar gasps and hurries over, "Sereia!"

The boy students cry out not to go there because it's too dangerous, but Briar doesn't care. All she can think of is saving Sereia. Grim and Ace quickly turn their heads in shock to see the fire is aiming straight towards the doll.

Grim screams, "Briar! Sereia!"

"Hey watch out!" Ace screams in fright.

Briar runs to Sereia and quickly hugs her with her back facing the flames. Sereia is shocked because Briar is planning on using herself as a shield to protect her. Everyone is in shock to see the girl and the doll are about to be burnt to a crisp. Suddenly, the star gemstone on Briar's amulet begins to show a dim glow, and begins to give off a magical energy. Soon the fire engulfs them all and the fire strikes at the Queen of Heart's statue instead. The flames have burned it, making it black. This leaves everyone in shock.

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