Chapter 18

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Elena POV

It's been a year now and me and sophie and Aryan and his friend have graduated from our university. We have gotten our degrees.

My family has been so proud of me and so happy. I am so lucky to have my family with me. Because ever since everything that has happened throughout my life has been tough but when i got my brothers and dad i am a lot better.

everything's been going so good. Me and Aryan have been going a lot out together and it has been an amazing time.

My family has been their for me and i am really happy that they have accepted me and Aryan.

Aryan's family has been over a couple of days over at our house. And Aryan's family has accepted me as well with going out with Aryan.

Aryan has two brothers who are Damon and Rafael. They are so much fun to hang out with.

I was getting ready because Aryan told me to get ready. He's taking me out tonight and he said it was a surprise. He didn't tell me where he was taking me.

I wore my burgundy color long maxi dress. And i wore flats with my dress. Once i was done i went downstairs and saw Aryan in the living room talking with my family and brothers and cousins. He was smirking and laughing while talking with them

Everyone turned around and saw me and they eyes widened. And they smiled.

"You look amazing, kiddo" dad said and walked towards me and hugged me.

"Thanks dad" i smiled.

"Hey Elena. You look cute" Aryan said as he whispered. I blushed and said thank you.

"Are you ready to go?" Aryan asked and he turned towards everyone and they nodded their head.

I nodded and me and Aryan went. He started to drive to the surprise.

"So, where are you taking me?" i asked Aryan and looked towards him

He smirked and said that i have to wait.

I nodded my head and we drove.

We had arrived and Aryan blindfolded me and said to that i had to have this on for the surprise.

He held my hand we walked towards the surprise.

"Okay. once i count to three,take the blind fold off" Aryan said from somewhere.

"Okay. one, two and three" Aryan said and i took the blindfold off of me

I opened my eyes and turned around when my eyes went wide. Their i saw Aryan kneeling down with a ring.

"The day fate brought us together turned out to be a watershed moment in my life. Since then, everything I've done has been motivated by your delight. My wish and hope is for you to stay a vital part of my life. That gets me to the most pressing subject at the moment: will you marry me?" Aryan said

Tears started to run down my cheeks.

"Y-yes." i said and Aryan put the ring on my finger and pulled me into a hug.

Suddenly i heard cheering and clapping. We got out of the hug and i turned around with my back against Aryan and their i saw my family, Aryan's family, my cousins and aunt and uncle and my dad their all smiling towards us and cheering.

Tears were still running down my cheeks. I turned around and hugged Aryan tightly.

I couldn't believe this. Aryan proposed to me.

Aryan POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. Elena had accepted my proposal and i am so happy tonight. When Elena said yes i immediately hugged her and kissed her. I saw tears running down her cheeks and wiped her tears away. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

When she turned around she saw everyone cheering and clapping for us.

elena had turned around and had her back against me while i wrapped my arms around her to keep her steady. 

This was such a happy time for us. i will always love elena and never let anyone hurt her. she's a tough girl who had gone through so much. 


I am so happy to say that my daughter got proposed to the person who loves her a lot and would take care of her. I love her so much and when Aryan told us about that he's going to propose to our daughter. I felt happy. I know its going to be sad that our only daughter is going to be marrying and leaving the house.

But i am happy and i know my wife would be so proud of all of us.

Elena pov

I felt overwhelming and so happy. I was talking with Aryan and sitting beside him as we all were at a restaurant and eating dinner.

I looked towards my family who were already looking at me and smiling softly.

Suddenly i felt overwhelmed. Tears started to run down my cheeks. I missed mom so much.

A sob came out and everyone turned towards me.

"Lena, babygirl. Whats wrong?" dad asked as he walked towards me and crouched down and held my hands in his.

"D-d-dad. I-i-i miss mom so much." i said and he smiled and hugged me while i sobbed.

"Shh, kiddo. I know you miss her. We all miss her so much. But kiddo. She is proud of you and she's proud of  how far you have gotten. She's always with you and will be with you in your heart." dad said and hugged me and rubbed my back.

"I love you so much my sweet little girl." dad whispered and we came out of the hug.

"I love you too dad" i said and smiled towards him.

Sophie my bestfriend was here as well and she has Aryan's friend with her. Yes finally Aryan's friend Stefan had proposed sophie to be his girlfriend and when we found out, i was so happy for her.

Once we ate dinner, we all went back to our house and started to plan the wedding and the theme which we all talked about.


We decided that the theme is going to be burgundy and gold. Once we decided the theme.

Me and sophie and my brothers and dad and uncle and aunt and cousins were gonna go dress shopping tomorrow.

I hugged Aryan and said goodbye to him and he said he will text me.

My family told me to sleep since we had to get up early tomorrow for going shopping. I said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs to change and laid down on my bed.

I smiled to myself and thought how my life was from being abused and beaten everyday to being saved by my brothers and finding out about my parents and then now where i am getting married to the love of my life.

I closed my eyes and smiled as darkness consumed me.

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