Characters And Introduction Part 2

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Damon King (uncle) : he is 40 years old and his the uncle of Elena and her brothers. he also works with his brother in his company.


Dante King: he is the oldest cousin and is 28 years old. he loves his family and especially his little cousin sister Elena. he also works with his dad in the company as well.

Ryder: he is the second oldest cousin and is 26 years old. he loves his family as well as elena very much. he also works with his dad in the company.

Sean and Dylan King: the twins and they are 23 years old. these two have finished their studying and are slowly starting to work as doctors.

Elena's cousins and uncle and aunt are going to be living with Elena family. Because of their mom's passing, they have decided to live together for Elena.

Elena's Aunt who is Isabelle. she is 40 and is also living with Elena and her family.

Elena's cousins work with her uncle in his work.

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