Chapter 6

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Elena POV

When I woke up, I saw a very bright light, which then focused to where I was. I'm in... the hospital?

When did I get here? How did I get here? How long was I here? I looked around and saw no one around me. My heart rate increased. I wanted my brothers.

"Mason?" I asked for.

"Mason?!" I asked louder. My heart rate kept on increasing.

I was about to scream when a whole bunch of nurses came into the room with a doctor trying to hold me down.

I was breathing hard. "Where is Mason?" I asked for.

None of them heard me. "Where is Mason?!" I screamed. I wanted him so bad.

That was when my brother and the others ran into the room. I slowly calmed down as he walked towards me. Some of the nurses left.

After about 5 minutes, Mason went to the doctor to discuss some stuff. Then, Mason came over to me.

"Hey, Elena. I know you have some questions. Why don't you ask them?" Mason said.

"Okay. How long have I been asleep? How long have I been here? What day is it? Where are the rest of my brothers?" I asked really fast.

"You've been asleep for an hour. You've been here for one day. Today is monday. Your brothers are on the way. They got held back at work so they are coming soon. You've been marked excused from school so you're okay," Mason said.

Okay. Also, am I okay?" I questioned.

"Can you tell me what happened before you came here?" The doctor asked.

"Well, I was looking through my stuff. Then, my heart rate was getting faster. I couldn't breathe well. I then got dizzy and numb after a while. I tripped on something and hit my head, and then I don't know what happened after that," I explained.

"Just as I thought. You don't have a concussion, but I believe that you have an anxiety disorder. It looks like panic disorder. I am going to recommend some therapists for you. Of course, you don't have to go, especially if money is an issue, but these are just some recommendations," the doctor said. I nodded.

Then, the doctor left the room.

I sighed as I laid back in the bed. I felt exhausted and wanted to go back to sleep.

Mason looked at me worryingly.

"I'll see what the prices are, and when you get back home, we can talk about therapy if you want. I can research how to work with anxiety so that I can help you. We're going to get through this together, Lena," Mason reassured me. I nodded.

"Are you tired?" He asked. I nodded again. Then, the doctor came back in with some papers.

"Here you go, Mason. These are some therapists. It takes a while to get a good one, but all of them do one free session to see if they're good for her or not," the doctor said.

Mason got up, and went outside the room with the doctor.

I laid back and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. That was when I heard multiple footsteps. When I opened my eyes, Jason, Alex and Dylan were coming close to me.

They all sat on my bed. Mason then came back into the room.

"Hey, guys. Why don't you stay here, but talk to her later? She's really tired?" Mason said.

They nodded in response as I closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.

The pierce's little sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora