Chapter ten|The show begins

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Third persons pov:

The crowd was clapping in the rhythm while Johnny's dad's gang was looking for the thugs or security.


"Okay.This is it,guys.You ready?" Buster said while the cast formed into a circle."Absolutely not" Ellie chuckled."Oh,my gosh!Are we really doing this?" Rosita gasped."Yeah,you better belive it!" Johnny cheered."It's big-time baby" Gunter smiled.Everyone laughed and cheered as these words escaped Gunter's mouth."Remember.." Buster started."There's only one way left to go,and that's up!" The whole cast jumped up cheering."Gunter robot activating piggy power.Beep-beep-boob-boob" Gunter said robo-walking away.

"Playback!" Buster said and Miss Crawly turned the playback on.In that moment the lights turned off and the crowds gasped.Watching the beauty happening."All creatures,big and small.Welcome to outer space" Buster said as the space around him slowly became stars.The crowd cheered and claped.Hungrily waiting to see what happends next.The stars started flying and a starship slowly made it's way into the hall."My name,is Capitan Rosita!" The capitan said and a holografic board showed up next to her."My mission:To rescue and find a space exlorer,who mysteriously went missing long ago.." She looked at the board watching a picture of Clay Calloway on it.

"Capitan,I am picking up his signal" A robot came up to her.The captain quickly switched to another page showing a few planets."Excellent.But from which planet?" She asked with her hands on her hips."It is impossible to know which one the signal is,like,coming from" The robot replied walking closer to his pig friend."I see.Then I'll have to explore them all!" Rosita heroicly pointed to the ceiling."Take us down!"


Johnny and Ellie stood next to each other watching Rosita perform."Well,good luck" Ellie smiled.Johnny smiled back staring at her."You've got this" She added punching his hand slightly."We got this" Johnny corrected her.Johnny quickly ran to the stage and Ellie made her way to Ash."Ash I can't do this" Ellie groaned."What?Why not?You looked okay" Ash raised her eyebrow."I know but I'm just nervous about the kiss" She sat down on one of the boxes."Oh come on.It's gonna be easy" Ash rubbed Ellie's back."And plus..It's kiss from Johnny~" Ash mimicked a kissing pose."You're like a little kid" Ellie laughed."Don't worry.You got this" Ash smiled."Is everything alright?" Buster rushed to the two."Yeah Ellie is just nervous about kissing Johnny~" Ash smirked."Don't worry about that.You two perfectly match!" Buster tried to cheer Ellie up but it did the opposite."Moon,I think that this is not working" Ash said."I'm sorry but I'm not good about these stuff" Buster sighed."It's okay" Ellie mumbled with her face in her hands."Do you rember the steps?" Buster asked."I hope so"

"Mission report.I must take care for I have landed on the Planet of War" Rosita got out from her ship looking around.In that moment a piano started playing and the lights fell on Johnny.

'Cause you're a sky

'Cause you're a sky full of stars

I'm gonna give you my heart

The warriors started slowly appearing on the stage.

'Cause you're a sky

'Cause you're a sky full of stars

'Cause you light up the path

"That's my boy" Johnny's dad smiled watching him.

I don't care

Go on and tear me apart

I don't care if you do~


'Cause in a sky

'Cause in a sky full of stars

I think i saw you~

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