Chapter eight|What now?

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Third person pov:

"Uh..Honestly,t-this is gonna be the greatest show I have ever made" Moon walked behind Calloway trying to change his mind.Meanwhile Clay was tapping sign that was saying 'BEWARE electric fence'.When he was done he threw the hammer on the ground next to Moon,making him squeak."And when you see the sets and the.." Moon continued before getting interrupted by Clay."Turn on the tap for me" He said calmly."Tap?Uh..sure" He smiled running to the tap.But when he turned it on Calloway splashed him away.He laughed while watching the koala fall into the lake.

"Oopsie-daisy" He calmed down."Moon,you okay?" Ash yelled."I'm okay!" Voice from the distance yelled.Ash handed Calloway a cup of tea and he gave her a confused look."It's tea.You drink it" She said pulling the cup closer to the lion.He grabbed the cup and Moon ran to them again."I promise...This is going to be the most wonderful...I mean,fantastic show ever!" Moon said but Clay ignored him,paying attention to his tea."Did you put honey in this?" He asked looking inside the cup."A-And the ending?Oh boy.I mean it's gonna end with you..and your song" He smiled looking up at the lion.But he just bended down and started growling.

"You don't wanna do the show" Moon finally understood."Besides,lost my singing voice,so.." He stood up again."Your voice sounds fine to me" Ash joined in the conversation while taking a sip of her tea.The lion just growled and made his way away a bit so he can water his flowers."This..This is all because you lost your wife,isn't it?" Ash looked at the ground."Okay,porcupine.We're not talking about my Ruby" Clay snapped."Look,I know she inspired so many of your songs.." She came little closer."All of my song" He turned around."Right..I..I can't imagine what it must be like to lose someone so special,but do you think this is what Ruby would've wanted for you?I mean,you out here on your own and never singing again?"

"No y-you don't understand.There's no-no rock star living here anymore" He sighed."Clay,you just need to play again.Your songs will bring you back.You can reconnect with.." Ash said before Clay interrupted her."No I can't!" He yelled making Ash jump a bit."I haven't even heard one of my song in over 15 years!And for good reason" He continued."Ruby was everything.And I don't like honey in my tea!" He spilled the tea on the ground and walked away."He's not gonna change his mind" Buster sighed."He will.But you should go back.Tommorow" Ash said."Me?What about you?" Moon looked at the lion walking away."I just need time with him.I can't just leave him like this"


"Morning folks" Ellie entered the hall rubbing her eye.When she made it to the table with food where all of her friends were chilling,she grabbed a cup of coffee."You look horrible" Gunter commented."Thank you" Ellie chuckled taking another sip."What happend to you?" Meena mumbled."I was just fixing Gunter's grammar mistakes in the scenar." Ellie explained while sitting down on one of the cutboard boxes."I think you should get some sleep,Ellie.This is not healthy.C'mon i get you to your aparmá" Johnny got up to get Ellie.

"Don't worry I'm good" She mumbled getting another sip of her coffee.But then everyone turned around to the sound of door opening and Miss Crawly's voice."Ten-Hut!" She yelled into her megaphone making the workers stand straight."Whoa" Buster gasped looking around the hall."Welcome back Mr.Moon,sir" Miss Crawly said."Uh..Thank you Miss Crawly" Moon smiled walking closer to the lizard.

“Oh, and I have something for you" He handed Miss Crawly her glass eye that she lost few days ago."Thank you Mr.Moon,sir" Mrs.Crawly grabbed the eye from his hands still staying still."All right,you can ease off the attitude now" Moon fixed the bag he had on his shoulder."Oh,oh,yes,yes" She smiled not standing straight anymore."So-Any luck with Calloway?" Ellie approached the two."Shh,not yet" Buster placed his index finger on her mouth."But if anyone can convince him,it's Ash,so.." He whispered.

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