There's This Habit (Not The Nun Thing)

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Tavbro doesn't like it. He doesn't come out and say it but a motherfucker knows his own boyfriend and knows when he doesn't like something. It isn't that hard to all get to noticing either. I'll be partaking of that sweet elixir that takes a brother higher than a motherfucking kite and Tav'll look sort of sad but like he's trying not to let it show. Karbro's been on me about it for years but somehow all his yelling about it rotting a brother's mind doesn't quite get through like Tav just looking sad about it. 

I just want him to be happy. That's really all a motherfucker could ask for in the world, just for my Tavvy to be happy. There are things that'll get him down once in a while and sometimes there's just not much a brother can do to help, but when it's something I'm doing he's upset about, there's an easy fix. Karbro's my best friend and I know it gets him all worked up and upset and he'll be happy if I stop too. Until something else annoys him, that is. It'll probably be pretty short lived. But they're my friends and the motherfuckers are worried. And I don't like that. 

But I might as well finish up what I've got. I'd all planned to get to talking to my connection to the miracle and bro, Little Cal, the next week to hook up with some more, but I'll just tell him then that I'm quitting. The little brother might be upset about not getting to hang out as much but he'll understand.

Tavbro's dad is working late so we're at his house. He picked a couple of movies but a motherfucker can't bring himself to focus on the screen with that cuddly motherfucker practically all laying on him. That kind of soft and warm blows a brother's motherfucking mind and I hold him close and sort of nuzzle at his neck just so and feel him shiver. And now he's got a white smudge of paint on his skin and somehow that just gets to a motherfucker, knowing I put that there, like it's proof that I actually touched him, so I have to try to get more on him. He all turns his face just perfectly for me to touch my nose to his and rub lightly, succeeding and making him giggle, which is just another plus. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Shhh." He was whispering but I still shoosh him. "Eskimo kiss. Miracles." 

His lips are so motherfucking perfect.

He doesn't see the rest of the movie. 

A/N I am now also writing a davekat story which is gonna be quite a bit smuttier than this one on here and the first part is published so if you want to check it out, please do. =3 As always, please leave input!! Thanks for reading!!

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