It should be an easy job, if Elaina sticks to the plan.

As the flight takes off and we begin our departure, everyone sort of minds their business. I keep my sunglasses over my eyes, kicking my feet up on to the table between Niall and I and leaning my head back against the cushioned chair. My hands fold over my stomach and I let my eyes shut. If I could sleep through this entire flight that would be incredible, but I have a giant kindergartener sitting across from me so that's next to impossible.

"Do you think Sicily women are gonna be hot?" Niall speaks, preventing me from sleeping.

I inhale through my nose, keeping my eyes closed. "Don't know."

"I bet they will be." he mumbles to himself. "They'll probably be all over us."

I ignore him.

Sometimes if you just let him talk, he'll tire himself out.

"Not that you'll have to worry, though." he then says, making my brows furrow as I keep my eyes shut.

"What do you mean?" I murmur in tiredness, my mouth barely opening to say it.

"I mean you won't have to worry about finding a fuck buddy for the weekend. You've got one."

My eyes open.

I look at Niall through my sunglasses, brows creased together. "What?" I shake my head.

If he means what I think he means, I'm going to punch him in the dick.

"Oh c'mon." He smiles, then leans forward a bit. "Don't sit there and tell me that you two won't fuck after roleplaying as husband and wife for a whole evening." he says in a whisper.

My mouth parts open and I bring my feet down off the table so I can lean in to ensure our conversation isn't heard. "Niall, I swear to god—"

"Am I wrong though?"

"Yes!" I whisper-shout through clenched teeth. "We're not gonna fuck, what the hell is wrong with you?"

He snickers and leans back in his seat. "I'm honestly surprised you haven't yet."

Jesus Christ.

I roll my eyes and throw my head in my hands. "We can barely even tolerate each other." I excuse with a whisper. "She's also engaged."

"So you're implying that you would."

"Wh—No!" I stumble. "Fuck off."

He laughs at me again.

"No judgment." he shrugs. "I would."

There's that burning feeling again...

Annoyed, I exhale sharply and slouch into my chair again. I take my phone out and mindlessly scroll through it to make it clear to Niall that I'm ignoring him.

"Have you talked to Isaac at all yet?"

I hear Angela's voice from the row behind Niall and I. The name of Elaina's fiancé strikes my eardrums and suddenly I find myself eavesdropping. Not purposely of course.

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