(1) weN gninnigeB!

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'Damn it, damn it! I'm late. God. I knew I should've spent that night sleeping instead of reading mangas. That shit got me all gogo eyed at 2d girls but then again, who would sleep early just to go to school?' You think frustratedly.

It was a Monday morning and it seemed that you forgot about it yesterday. As Mondays have it, the parents government forces you to wake up early and take the most boring 8 hours of your life in a setting in which zombie apolocalypse should've happened except... You didn't do exactly that.

Looking impatiently at the signal lights, you sigh a knowing disappointed sigh. You turn your gaze back to the lights once again until you were suddenly forcefully pushed out of the safe zone by your own teammate or specie.

Time slowed down.

Your gaze turns at the other side and it lands on a truck. You recognize this moment. The driver was wearing headphones, unable to notice your figure as he sang along to a tune. The crowd that stayed behind seemed to notice you though, they then start to panic as they try hard to get the truck driver to notice.


It engulfs your world as the cold metal collides with your warm body and it flings you away from where you originally have been and the driver finally notice as it stopped abruptly and he gets out of the truck. "Call the medics, fast! We can still save him!" Frantic calls, snaps, and voices echo though you can't hear it.

'Is this what I get for oversleeping all the time? While wasting my life away from valuable education?' You ask yourself. 'To finally get my life together?'

"Oh look how cute he is!" Your mother exclaimed as she held you in her arms.

"He's just like a little version of you and me!" Your father added.

The door swings open revealing the nurse, "Ma'am, have you decided what to name him?" She asked.

Your parents pondered for a bit before brightening up, "Y/N. Let's call this little guy, Y/N, like the hero in a book you've read." Your mother said.

'Ah mom.. If only you lived a little longer, I'd be grown right and I'd be able to repay you.' You thought bittersweetly.

"Oh dear, were you playing?" Your father ooed as he cradles you in his arm despite being tired.

"Umu, goo gaa!" You reply back as if you could understand him much to his entertainment as he held you closer.

'Dad, if you just stopped your alcohol addiction and did your job right.. We would've been able to move on and live fine.' Though you can't criticize your dad, you were just the same as him. Just like he used alcohol, you used anime, mangas, and etc. just to escape the cruel reality that was right in front of you.



"Hello?" A heavenly voice calls out to you. She repeats again as if you couldn't hear her yet you could hear her clear as crystal. And before she could land a strike on your handsome face, you open your eyes, startling her in the process. "Oh you were awake? You could've said so in the first place and I wouldn't have been so close to commiting such an ungraceful action. I don't understand why you chose to stay silent."

You furrow your eyebrows at her, confused as to what she was saying before it sunk into you and you look at her with a sad smile. "I'm dead, aren't I?"

"That's good! I won't have to bother projecting your death and explaining to you whatever happened that lead you here unlike the first one." She said slyly, eyeing the author and the author sheepishly smiles before continuing to write. She smiles at you before snapping her fingers and smoke appeared. Once cleared, you could see a small round table, teapot and some cups.

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