Chapter 6

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—One Week Later—

Augustus P.: When do you think Boscha will be able to apply for jobs?

Lilith shrugged. Trying to stay still as Hooty attempted braiding her long hair with his beak.

Lilith C.: Edalyn says that you can't do anything without a proper ID, you especially can't apply for jobs. It's a good thing she's good at making them from scratch.

Raine hummed as they went into the kitchen for a drink.

Raine W.: Well, I should hope she is with her experience making them on earth before.

This didn't come as a surprise to anyone. As Eda had made it a rather large point of boasting when talking about her adventures on earth. Coming up with various fake identities and perfecting her creation of essential documents.

Mostly having learned from the human she was married to for eight hours.

King grabbed the edge of the couch with his little hands and hoisted himself up onto it, sitting down between Lilith and Gwendolyn.

King: Are Luz and Amity coming over still?

Gwendolyn replied softly as she picked King up to cradle in her arms. He didn't protest.

Gwendolyn C.: They said they would come when they are able to. They'll make time, we just need to be patient.

Hooty groaned, taking a quick break from braiding Lilith's hair.

Hooty: But it's been forever since we've seen them!

Lilith raised an eyebrow, looking behind her.

Lilith C.: We saw them last month.

Hooty: Yeah! For like five minutes!

Lilith rolled her eyes, deciding against arguing as Hooty tried to tie the braid as he finished it. Eda strolling in proudly a moment later and setting a few papers of different sizes down for each of the three witches.

Edalyn C.: Okay! Everything's ready. I just need a first name for you, missy.

Boscha nodded. Looking over the top three choices she had in mind, and gladly selecting one. Especially as it went along with her being Amity's "sister".

The pink-haired witch wrote her new name down.

Eda picked the paper up and smiled.

Edalyn C.: Beatrice, huh? Good choice!

Beatrice blushed and nodded. Willow smiled encouragingly.

Willow P.: It suits you!

Beatrice reached over and picked up her hand. Directing a knowing look at Willow. And a brief glance at the mirror, she liked this new look, and Willow was right, Beatrice Barnes did suit her better than Boscha Hyacinthia.

Beatrice B.: Thank you.

—Three Months Later—

Luz held herself steady enough to finish buttoning up her blazer. Heart stubbornly continuing to beat at the same incredible speed. Camila smiled behind her.

Camila N.: Need help?

Luz shook her head.

Luz N.: No, I'm okay. I'm just excited!

Camila suppressed a laugh.

Camila N.: I would be surprised if you weren't. I'm proud of you, mija. I'm glad you found someone you feel so strongly for.

Luz's face heated slightly, a bright smile coming onto her face.

Luz N.: Thank you, Mamí.

There was a shy knock at the door, Vee poked her head in. Having decided to change her appearance to look like she was Luz's biological little sister. Minus a few turquoise streaks. At that moment, though, her long hair was a mess. And the red on her face indicated that she either wanted feedback, or that it wasn't intentional.

Luz was embarrassed to admit that she didn't ask Vee about as much of her culture as she likely should have. But to be fair, Vee wasn't necessarily keen on talking about anything Boiling Isles related.

So, Luz tried to be open just in case the bird's nest wasn't an accident.

Luz N.: Oh, is that what you want to wear?

Vee shook her head, loose strands of hair flying about as she did so.

Vee N.: No, I was trying to do a style I saw in a picture. But I think I messed up on a few steps...

Luz blushed again.

Luz N.: Oh. Do you need help? I'm pretty much ready?

Vee nodded shyly. Hesitance obvious. The pair eventually being left alone in the room. Vee fiddled with her deep blue dress before speaking.

Vee N.: Why'd you warm up so quickly?

Vee hadn't intended to ask it out of nowhere like that as Luz did her hair. But, there they were. Luz leaning forward a bit with a confused expression.

Luz N.: Warmed up to what?

Vee finished her thought more quietly.

Vee N.: Me? I mean, I disguise myself as you for two months, tricked Mamá Camila. And when you both found out, you just, you were okay with it?

Luz shrugged. Continuing to brush out Vee's hair before she styled it.

Luz N.: It was probably tougher for mom to get used to, since she didn't know magic existed in another dimension. But I think she was more concerned with the fact that I willingly stranded myself in said dimension. Besides, Vee, you were in danger and trying to save yourself. We were surprised, yeah, but we understood why you did it. I would have done the same as mom if I was in her position.

Vee looked down at her palms.

Vee N.: But wasn't it weird to suddenly have someone adopted into the family? Especially someone who pretended to be you?

Luz paused.

Luz N.: A little. But I had time to get used to it. Those times I called mom and got to know you helped as well. It didn't take that long to just accept that you were here, now. I wasn't expecting a little sister out of the blue, but I'm not complaining.

Those words caught Vee off guard.

Vee N.: You think of me as a sister?

Luz nodded with a bright smile on her face.

Luz N.: Of course! Why wouldn't I?

Vee didn't reply verbally. Instead suppressing happy and grateful tears.

Vee N.: Are you, excited?

Luz nodded again. Proceeding to gush incessantly about how in love she was and how happy she was that things were going to work out okay.

Vee hadn't spoken to Amity that much. But was hopeful that this would go okay. As long as Luz was happy, she would figure it out.

After that, all it took was Luz seeing Amity on the other side of the small clearing in a black and white dress for the tears to come out. Vee assisting Luz to go to Amity before sheepishly getting to her seat beside Camila. Amity and Luz having asked King to officiate, as Hooty already called dibs on the ring spell part.

The ceremony itself was short and simple, but what needed to be said was said. And the marriage was made legal. Amity bending Luz over in a passionate kiss before they went to celebrate inside.

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