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After a few minutes of sitting on the ground, someone picks me up. I open my eyes and see the smile of the boy I love.

I forgot about his strength again.

He starts carrying me, like you would a toddler (like ponys legs and arms around him. Idk), back to my house. "You ok?"

"Mhm." I hum as I slightly bounce with every step he takes.

"You sure?"

"Just scared me, that's all."

"Dally? Or me?"

"Both.." I mumble. Hoping he wouldn't hear me but he would at the same time.

"Why me?"

"..I just didn't think you'd do something like that." I look at his chest.

"I've done it before with Bob."

I look up quickly. "Did you kill him?"

"No no no. He's lucky I didnt..." he looks at me. "I know you would never cheat on me. I just thought that he was being serious. I mean he's always been so good to me.. except once. But," I look back at him. "After I saw what he was doing to you.. I couldn't take it anymore. I saw the way you were.. it broke me."

I smile a bit and kiss his cheek. "You're a good kid, you know that?"

He smiles again. "I love you."

"I love you too." I quickly kiss him.

He rubs my back as we walk inside. He sets me down on the couch and soda darry and twobit are standing there in shock.

"What?" Johnny says, standing beside me.

"Are you ok? There's blood..on your shirt."

Johnny looks down at his shirt and I look at it too. I didn't notice it before but there was blood on it. He wipes his nose. "yeah im fine."

"babe, you literally have a bloody nose."

He looks at me slightly annoyed then goes to the bathroom. I look over at soda. "what happened?" I pull soda into our room.. "so you and Johnny are good now, right?"


"What about dal- what'd you do with my blade?"

"I don't know what happened to dal or your blade. Johnny had it last-"

"Johnny had my blade? Why?" I look away and explain. He pauses. "Oh..." he hugs me. I kinda hug back. He lets go and studies my face. "Did he hurt you at all?"


"Pony-" Johnny walks to my room.

I turn around and look at him. "Hey."

"You ok?" He looks back at me with a hint of worry on his face.

I nod in response. I grab him by his waist and hug him. He hugs back and I lay my head ontop of his. Sodapop walks out of the bed room and passes us.


"They seem happy together.." Two-bit says taking a sip from his water.

I look over and see pony walking, holding Johnny's hand. Ponyboy sits on the couch and pulls johnny onto his lap. Johnny's eyes go wide. "PONY!" He looks back at him. Pony whispers somthing in his ear. Johnny stands up off of him. "GO FIX IT!" I cock an eyebrow in confusion as pony leaves the room laughing.


Twobit spits out his water. I look at him and see him trying to hold in a laugh

"Whats so funny?"

Two starts laughing really loudly.

"O H M Y G O D!" He says, still laughing.


Two shakes his head, refusing to tell me.

-a few hours later-


"Im goin home." Twobit says walking toward the door.

"Good night" the rest of us say. He nods as he closes the door.

I starts pulling pony to his room. "Johnny.." he giggles quietly. Soda goes to his old room. I guess he cleared it out while we were gone.

(Yes, soda has a room. It says so in the book. It's whenever it says something about pony having ghe nightmare and that's why they started sharing a room.l

I plop on the bed and pull him ontop of me. "Johnny!" He giggles again. He leans down and kisses me.

I smile and pull him down to lay beside me. We both take our shirts off then get under the covers. He lays his head on my chest and I play with his hair. I like his hair blonde like it is now. He looks good with it.

"Whats on your mind, baby." He yawns.


I feel his face get a bit warm on my chest. "What about me."

"You're a cute blonde."

He looks at me trying to hide his obviously red face. "You trying to say you didn't like my hair before." He jokes.

"No I did... its just you with blonde hair..." I slowly lean to kiss him.

"Boys." Darry knocks on the open door making us jump.

"Ugh." Pony groans. "What?"

Darry kinda smiles. "I'm glad yall are together."

"Thanks." I pet ponys head.

How does he know.. we didn't tell him.

He nods. "Get to bed soon. I don't want yall sleeping in all day."


"And no funny business please. Atleast not while anyone is here."

I turn red and Pony laughs. "Yeah yeah." Pony says looking at darry with a grin. "Good night."

"Good night." Darry smiles more and ruffles my hair and walks out closing the door. "Do I trust them enough for the door to be closed." He says from the other side of the door. Pony looks at me, holding in a laugh. "No.. but whatever." I hear his footsteps fade as he walks farther from the door.

(I needed it to end in ponys pov for a certain reason)


I curl up closer to Johnny's chest. I looks up at him and give him another kiss. He turns off the light and I close my eyes. "I love you and I promise that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his.

"Me too." He kisses my head.

I slowly drift to sleep with only one thing on my mind.

My one and only, johnny.

(1017 words)

GUYS THIS IS THE END.. ok I'm posting a really important authors note- separately. Idk I just wanna. YOU BETTER READ IT.

-your new mom 💋

My One And Only  ☆Johnnyboy☆ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن