Happy Deathday...

Start from the beginning

Now, things were a bit easier. Michael worked a lot and still made time for his daughter. While working, Edward or Madison, and Charlie would watch Pandora, sometimes Madelyn. They would switch off just so no one was overworked.

"How long until I have Cynthia back?" Michael asked Lucifer and Lilith were in his office right now. Once a week, he'd sit down with them so he could find out how close they were to getting his wife.

"Hello, how are you? I'm good, how are you?" Lucifer says in a joking manner, "You see how that works?" They ask with a quirked brow.

"Sorry that I am not in the mood for pleasantries as it's been five months since I've had my wife, and in a week, I could be losing my daughter." Michael responds sternly; he was so fed up with how long it was taking them to get his wife.

"It won't be long," Lilith answers with a sigh which Michael wasn't happy with. He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose,

"You've been saying that for five fucking months. I think it's pretty obvious now that you have no idea what you're doing."

"Look," Lucifer says, "Within a week or so you'll have her back I can promise you that." They told him, making Lilith give them a knowing look before turning to Michael.

"Good," Michael said, not acknowledging Lilith's look to Lucifer, "now, what about the weapon to kill God?" He asked that was another thing they were doing; trying to find the weapon that kills God. They knew it was a type of blade they just needed to know how to find it.

"Well, as suspected, God has it." Lucifer said. Michael nods, not really expecting anything other than that. It made sense God would have the weapon that could kill him.

"So, how do we get from him? In battle?" Michael asked and both Lilith and Lucifer nodded.

"That's what we were thinking." Lilith says, "His guard will be lowered then."  Again Michael nods, agreeing with what is being said.

"How's the training going?" Michael asks, changing the subject. Lucifer and Lilith had been training those without magic who wanted to fight alongside him, while Michael trained Charlie and Madison.

"Training?" Lilith asked quickly, her eyes wide for a second before quickly adding, "oh, yeah, great, they're all eager to take God and his army down they keep getting better."

Michael sensed something going on with Lilith; between the look, she gave Lucifer and now the training question.  But he brushed it off as her just be on edge with the battle coming up. Which made sense to him so he didn't see a point in dwelling on it.

"Good," Michael responded, "I want you guys to discuss the plan about the weapon with the group you're training and I'll explain it to my group."  And with that, they end their discussion.


"Dada," Pandora exclaimed as she ran to her dad as he walked in the door. Two months after Cynthia got trapped Pandora began walking and she's been on the go since then.

"Hello, princess." He said lifting her into his arms, "I see she's still only in a diaper Edward." He says with a smirk knowing damn well Edward dressed her and she undressed. Lately, that's how it been she would be dressed then she'd take her clothes off she hated being dressed and would often put up a fight when the time came to get dressed.

"Still? Oh no, I got her dressed, and then like usual she undressed."  Edward says as he folded his arms pretending to be upset. Michael chuckles as he walked further into his home. "It's not funny! She bit me earlier! Evil little chihuahua." He says,

Michael laughs, "Don't call her a chihuahua." He tells him, "And Pandora we don't bite because it's..." he trails letting her finish the sentence

"Ow," she finishes it was an exercise that he came up with to try and break the habit of biting which worked...for the most part, of course, the infant had a few slip-ups, she is only 1 after all.

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