The Park with Sang

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Wait. How is this schedule going? I was confused, "Hey Kota. How are we all doing this? I mean, are we all going to follow Mr. B and Gabe into the places with Sang?"

"Uh, no. Were going to drop off Gabriel with Mr. B, then the rest of us will go ahead and be prepared for our activities when our time comes. Dr. Green said he going to take her somewhere special, I dont know where. But he needs some time to set up. That goes for the rest of us." He replied.

"So what are you and Victor going to do?" Luke asked behind me. Him and Gabriel were mummuring to each other while we drove on.

"We were thinking the science store, there are some hands on activites people get to do inside the store. It's pretty large. There's a section that teaches about the sound of music and Victor wanted to see what he could do." Kota said, a smile forming his lips.

I guess everyone has time to plan, I looked back at Luke and ask what he and North were going to do.

"Candy shop. Then North wants to take her on a ride on his motorcycle to his shop." he shrugged. Huh, I never seen him take Katlyn on his bike. Maybe shes scared? The guys started to talk around me about Sang. I didnt let my irritation show because I didnt want to start an agrument. Did Kota tell Alexa what he had plan for the day?

My phone buzzed in my hand, reminding me I needed to text Silas back. But when I checked, it was from Natalie. My heart started to pound against my rib cage, nerves settled in and I felt a ton of guilt.

Natalie: You guys all on a mission toghether?

Yeah, I guess you could call it that. Damn, what was I supposed to say? I felt like I had to hide the truth, or stretch it because we were doing this for Dr. Green, and to potentially make a new Academy friend. There was nothing wrong with that.

After giving into my own pep talk, and realization, I wasnt dong anything wrong but getting to know a new member. I replied back to her.

Nathan: Yeah. Nothing to worry about. Me and Silas are teamed up, ttyl.

Natalie: Okay. Be safe. ttyl.

There. I could finally breathe again and enjoy today. It was a few more minutes when we dropped off Gabriel with Mr. B. We saw Sang get dropped off by Axel then his SUV was gone.

I watched as Gabriel happily put his arms around Sang and led her to the art store. Mr. B following after them. It was weird seeing them calm like that, like they done it a bunch of times and it just became a natural touch.

We decided to switch up our car pool by whos supposed to be paired up. Kota lent me and Silas his car while he jumped in with Victor, Luke's going with North in his jeep. Dr. Green had his own car, so he didnt need to be here.

Silas took us to wolly world and purchased a wiffle ball kit, along with a basketball and hoola hoops. I watched like an idiot, wondering if I should get something to do with Sang. But I didnt find anything appealing, so instead I thought I'd buy a plush toy for her.

He grabbed some water and something else I couldnt see by the cash register stands and we paid for our things and left. He drove us to the park not far from downtown and started looking for a good spot to play at.

There wasn't a lot of people here today, just a few mothers wathcing thier kids play. There are a few guys throwing frisbees on the open grass and a couple walking thier dog. Does Sang like animals? I wonder if she has a pet.

Silas found a nice area between the basketball court and softball field that has a large tree nearby perfect for shade. I watched him open the wiffle ball set, take the basketball out of the box, and take the tags off the hoola hoops. I left my gift for Sang in the car and asked Silas what we were going to do first.

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