Feeling the color drain from my face, I still refuse to back down. "You're right. I fired a warning shot behind Merle. Maybe it should've been in his head. My mistake. I already apologized to Maggie. I was waiting to find Glenn. I'm the reason we were in that situation. You're absolutely right." I put my hand up, "glad you told me how you really felt cause I don't want a friend with his blood running through his veins."

"Nah, you ain't a friend. Never was. Just followed me around like a pathetic lost puppy!" He grunts, eyes finding mine.

I nod. "Ok, I'm leaving tonight. I'm done being the family dog." I shake my head. "You done?"

"Man, fuck you." He barrels down the stairs.

"Who is he?" Charlee questions when we step into my chosen cell, "he knew my name when we got here with Michonne." Heart stinging, I glance around. I start to dart around, throwing shit haphazardly into my bags.

"No one. I'm leaving for Ohio tonight. I'm not waiting."

"I'll help." Kelly offers, coming to join. Realizing there's a meltdown hiding behind my blue eyes.

"What happened out there? Before you came back?" Charlee crosses her arms, eyes watching her brother and I pack. Given her stance, I realize she won't let it go.

I sigh, allowing myself a small break. I lower myself onto the bed, bringing my head into my hand, crossing my legs. I tell her everything. I start from the beginning, when I met Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Shane when Sophia went missing. I tell her about Dale and Shane. About the incidents at the farm, and everything leading up to where we are. I don't leave anything out, even telling her about the little girl I put down. How Daryl and I became close. How he treated me like he cared, then threw our friendship away for his brother.

"Ness, you'd do the same for us." Charlee points out.

"I know." I groan, rubbing my face, "I know I'm being selfish, but his brother kidnapped us, and allowed that man to do this to me. I can't forgive it." I stutter, starting to cry. "But I made my mind up, Char." I bite my bottom lip, playing with the hem of Kelly's shirt I'm wearing, feeling the tears fall. "I can't do this. When I joined, I didn't sign up for the fucking bickering, or to get kidnapped and raped. Or to live with the man who helped cause this newfound trauma of mine. I want to leave."

"Give it time, allow yourself to cool off." Charlee comes to sit with me, rubbing my back. I shake my head stubbornly. "Maybe wait you're healed, because you won't make it if we leave this second."

"Eyes open, head down. Fields filled with walkers. I didn't see any snipers out there, but we'll keep Maggie on watch." Rick's booming voice brings us out to the conversation. Rick stops by my cell, eyes flicking to the scene in front of him. "What's this?"

"I'm gone, Rick. I'm hitting the road." I stand, meeting his eyes.

"We are gonna talk about this." He orders, news leaving him unsettled.

"No, I'm sorry. We aren't. I can't live in the same radius from someone who... I didn't sign up for that. Shane, okay. I dealt with that. Randall, too. But getting raped and almost killed to find out where we are? If I don't draw a line somewhere, where does it end? I love you, and every person who helped me since day one. But I've never felt truly welcome. Maybe that's selfish. But I need to go home. Or what is left of it. I have Kelly and Charlee." I didn't know they were still out there. What about the rest of my family? There still could be a chance.

"You're not healed." Hershel limps over to us. "You won't make it very far. I don't care about the fight with Daryl. None of us do. But you've become one of my girls, and I can't see you leave."

The Woman at The End of The World. (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now