Tip 12: Do Not Bottle It Up, Find Yourself A Cathy

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Do not hold your feelings inside. You will have so many emotions run through you throughout this journey and if you try to bottle them up it will drive you crazy. Talk to someone, it can be a loved one, a friend, a counselor, a doctor, a support group. Just know that talking does help. For me, the person I talked to the most was a woman I met at my first treatment named Cathy. Sure I talked a little to my family and friends but I never really got into how I felt. With Cathy I could rant, I could complain, I could say things and she would understand and not take them the wrong way because she herself was going through cancer. Still to this day we cry, laugh, complain, and encourage each other to never give up. I am so glad she decided to talk to the youngest person in the room that day. Cathy has truly been and still is an amazing friend. She has helped me through so much and I'd like to think I did the same for her. So go find yourself a Cathy. 

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