"No, dear, you just sit down and relax. You must be exhausted. Besides, you're our guest, I'm not about to put you to work," Mariko assured him.

A few minutes later the entire family, plus Aomine, were gathered at the table to eat Aomine's favorite food, and the burgers were heavenly. Mariko had always been an excellent cook.

"Do you play in the NBA yet, Dai-chan?" Sugi asked eyes wide and sparkling with curiosity.

"No," Aomine chuckled in his response.

"NBA is in America, silly," Seiji pointed out and the twins gasped.

"You're not going to America, are you?" they chorused, absolutely horrified.

"Not anytime soon."

"You can't go!" Sugi exclaimed. "If you did, we'd never see you again."

"He'll go eventually," Riyo said bluntly without looking directly at anyone.

"Riyo!" Mariko scolded. "Don't be rude."

She gave a noncommittal shrug. "It's the truth."

An awkward silence fell in the room.

"Dai-chan?" Shozo asked, sounding unsure.


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Aomine half-choked on the water he had been drinking and spiraled into a coughing fit. That was the last thing he was expecting the five-year-old to say. 

"Oooh, do you?" Atsutane, Riyo's stepfather, asked genuinely curious. "The girls must be all over you at school. You're good-looking and a basketball beast. You must have a long list of--"

The sound of wood snapping in half caught everyone's attention. Riyo had broken her chopstick.

"Oops," she deadpanned before getting up and disappearing into the kitchen to get a new one.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Aomine said and shoved a bite of the burger in his mouth to give himself some time to collect himself.

"I think Miya would want to be your girlfriend!" Seiji chimed in pointing at the youngest of the Miyoshi children. The tiny blonde girl had been blatantly staring at Aomine wide-eyed the entire time and now she was blushing furiously.

Aomine flashed her a charming smile before turning to Seiji. "I think she's a little young for me. Maybe in a few years." He shot a wink at the toddler who quickly turned away.

Riyo returned to her seat when Sugi exclaimed, "Riyo could be your girlfriend! She's not too young!"

The middle sister seemed over the moon with her brilliant idea of matchmaking but from the look on Riyo's face, it was evident she wasn't pleased.

"Oooh," the younger children chorused in awe and agreement.

"Now that's not a bad idea at all," Atsutane said. His lips quirked.

"Let's not--"

"You know what? I'm not really hungry anymore," Riyo cut her mother off and rose to her feet. She snapped her fingers and Iverson followed her, with his tail wagging, into the hall. "I'm taking Ivar for a walk."


The nickname was terrible. Absolutely, horrifying.

"Riyo! Come back here!" Atsutane called out but the front door clicked open and shut regardless.

Aomine jolted.

"Thank you for dinner. It was as lovely as always." Aomine nodded politely at Mariko as he stood. "It was good to see all of you but I should go too."

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