2. Finally found You

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A/N - Please don't hate any upcoming bad characters of the story. I really love them all.


Sana's pov

Today, the CEO of our company Mr. Park, suddenly call the members of Twice for a special meeting. Our manager informed about this to Jihyo and she informed us. I think a big project is coming, on it's way. We will become busy again. I sighed.

Here we are, at JYP building. Members of Twice, our manager and Mr. Park are the only ones who are at the meeting room. I can see both happiness and seriousness in our CEO's eyes. We sat across each other on a huge table while Mr. Park was standing and was holding a bunch of papers.

"So, I know you probably don't know why I called you guys" Mr. Park said while smiling.

"Yes we don't" Jihyo said while chuckling and Mr. Park beamed a smile.

"Let me be straight forward then. Most of you guys know how much time consuming and hard working it is to make a hit album. Our team really pour it's blood, sweat and tears to make a bop album. You all know how to sing, you all know how to dance, you all know how to write lyrics. But these are not the only things that makes an album. A lot of editing skills, a lot of compositions and a lot more works are required to make an album." Mr. Park said with seriousness on his face.

"So this meeting is about the new album?" Nayeon-unnie asked while glancing at us.

"This meeting is not only about an album but moreover I want you guys to stand on your own. There are a lot of artists who don't know what to do with their life after ending their contract with their companies. A lot of them don't even know the basic of making or producing a song" he said while showing concern in his face.

We were all confused by his actions. He never spoke to anyone this calmly. We all looked at each other with an confused expression on our faces. It's definitely not like that we don't know how to make music. We did it a lot of times but the thing is he always rejected our works.

Tuzyu was sitting next to me "What is he talking about?" She wishpered.

"I don't know! Maybe he is kicking us out from his company" I wishpered back jokingly and she giggled.

Mr. Park fake coughed to grab our attention. And our manager glared at us strangely. I didn't liked his action at all.

"Can you please clarify it for us? We are not getting what you're trying to say." Jeongyeon said from our side and we nodded at the statement.

"Okay so the thing is that, I just want you guys to know the whole process of an album making and song composition. I want you to do all the process like writing lyrics, making beats, composing songs, designing banners for promotion, shooting MV and so on, all on your own. So that you can get the experience and in future you'll have no issue regarding this. I want you all to make a full album on your own and even after you disbandment, you guys can still stand on your feet as a soloist. I just want to make it easy for you." Mr. Park explained the whole process while our mouths were apart from the shock he gave.

There are a lot of questions going inside our mind.

Why is he doing this to us?

Definitely, something's fishy.

What if we make mistakes?

Don't he think, we will just waste our time?

Is it gonna easy for us?

He gave us some time to discuss on our own. After the discussion with our members, Jihyo decided to speak from our side because obviously she's our leader "we are ready Mr. Park but we need some guidance to work on it, we can't do it on our own."

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