Ch.3 Rope

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~Y/n pov~

We ran through the corridor towards the stairs.

A zombie suddenly came down the stairs, making us back away.

More zombies followed.

Su-hyeok ran forward and kicked them away from us.

They didn't stay down for long and they were too many of them for him to take on alone.

I ripped a window off the smashed a zombie over the head with it as it tried to eat Su-hyeok.

"Thanks." He nodded at me.

I noticed a few others grabbing windows too.

It was mostly boys.

The girl all just stood there and screamed.

We shoved the zombies away using windows.

It wasn't going to be enough.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" Dae-su demanded.

He had ripped of the door.

We all back away as he charged in with the door.

He held it sideways and used it to block the hallway.

We all pushed against it to push the zombies away.

We shoved them down the stairs.

We left a few at a time and started running up the stairs.

Dae-su was behind us all, "Go go!"

There was a zombie that was somehow stuck inside the stair railing.

We ran past it as it tried to bite our ankles. (Not today Sangwoo)

We started to run along the corridor but more zombies appear so we backed away.

We used the windows to push them away and continued to run further up the stairs.

We managed to hold the zombies back for long enough to get into a classroom.

Though there was a lock on the door.

On-jo grabbed the hose while the rest of us held the zombies back.

She used the metal bit and whacked the lock until it broke.

We all rushed inside and shut the door.

The zombies banged on the door and windows, trying to get in.

I noticed someone had accidentally smashed one of the window while fighting the zombies outside.

Panting in exhaustion, I sat on the ground away from the doors.

Gyeong-su sat beside me, just as exhausted.

He leant towards me and rested his head against my shoulder.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly.

He squeezed my hand back, reassuring me and telling me he was still there.

Dae-su had collapsed near the broken window.

A bloody hand reached for him and grabbed his hand.

He let out a scream as he backed away.

The zombies were trying to come through the broken window.

I quickly stood up, "Quick, barricade the window.

We all worked on putting chairs and desk against the window so they couldn't come in.

A few people held the barricade in place to make sure they couldn't come in.

All of us are dead | Gyeong-su Han x reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now