Ch.9 The roof

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~Y/n pov~

A hand pulled back the cover and Gwi-nam stepped through.

He smirked at us.

He was holding up a zombie and using it as a shield.

Gwi-nam climbed over the railing and tried to get Cheong-san.

I kicked back more zombies as they got through the barrier.

Cheong-san smacked Gwi-nam around the head with a music stand but it had no effect.

Gwi-nam just laughed at him.

I ran over and tried to shove him back.

He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly.

It felt like it was gonna break.

Tears stung my eyes.

Gyeong-su grabbed Gwi-nam's hand the pulled it off my wrist before shoving at him.

We both pushed him with all our strength which made him go stumbling down the stairs.

I heard a cracking noise as if there was a fire.

Did someone set the school on fire?

Suddenly, the door clicked the opened.

We all rushed through it and locked it behind us so no one could follow us.

There was a helicopter near us.

We all jumped up and waved things around, trying to get its attention.

It didn't notice us and it just flew off.

On-jo started crying when she realised we weren't rescued.

The helicopter was gone.

There was a banging noise and I could still hear Gwi-nam's heartbeat.

He was trying to breakdown the door. Luckily, it seemed to have no effect.

I knew he eventually gave up when he walked away.

Though, I get the feeling it isn't over yet.


The person who was here before made an SOS sign but it was tiny.

We were all grabbing bits of furniture and junk to try and make it bigger.

Why is all this shit on the roof in the first place? If it rains, it will get wet.

Joon-yeong climbed up the ladder to get to the higher part of the roof and instructed us on where to put things and what to do.

This went on for several minutes until he decided he was satisfied.

A few people climbed up to ladder to look at what they'd done.

"What does SOS mean anyway?" Dae-su asked On-jo.

"It's a distress signal."

Dae-su huffed, "I know that. What does is stand for?"

"It doesn't stand for anything. SOS is just SOS." On-jo told him.

"That makes no sense."

"Why'd you ask if you're not gonna believe me?" On-jo crossed her arms.

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