Chapter 17 - Kunikuzushi's will

Start from the beginning

I don't remember much about myself at all, so I tried answering as honestly as possible, but didn't have much to say.

"I don't remember my past that much, all I remember is that I'm roaming this earth since a long time now."

I didn't want to talk, but being with someone that kept asking me stuff, I couldn't ignore them.

"Alllright, alright, I believe you now. Hmm, as for me... I don't really have much to say about me. I'm a wanderer, much like you, and I'm gonna rise to the most renowned clans of Inazuma!"

I didn't quite care about his story and luckily he didn't go on for too long.

"What did you say your name was again...?"
"Right, Kunikuzushi. Well, I'm leaving to get us some food. See you soon!"

In the reflection of the window was me... probably. My hair seemed really long and my eyes, empty.

There was also the boy, running in the forest with his fishing rod.

I stayed there some time and saw him run away in a hurry. When he entered the house, he chuckled.

"Seems some Kairagi stopped us! Just watch me get rid of them!"

I thought he shouldn't joke around about that kind of stuff, but I knew he probably wouldn't listen. I grabbed one of the swords laying around in the boy's house and walked outside with him.

"Hey, picking a fight? Sorry, you're all going down!", he screamed to the bandits.

......... was quiet.


...too quiet.

"Look out!"

It was fast, so fast. I didn't have the time to prevent it.

It was red. All of it, so red.

All I could see was the boy, laying down on the ground. I crouched to see if he was okay. He couldn't get up, couldn't speak.

Oh wait.

He's dying.

"You know... you may be a real pain, but... it was nice being with you for a day or two."

His confident smile didn't fade. He was proud of himself, even after not being able to achieve anything.

"I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's not your fault. You know, Kunikuzushi..."

"Live a long and beautiful life, alright?"

His eyes closed. There was no movement anymore.

That was it.

He parted from this world, earlier than expected.

The bandits were about to do the same to me, but I reflected the blow with the blade.

A slash here, another one there. It all seemed so oddly familiar.

Did I fight before?

And so it was red again. But this time, there was no one left standing. It was only me, in the wild.

"Live a long and beautiful life, huh...", I whispered to myself.

"Alright, that's what I'll do."

I kept the blade with me and ran away from the forest. Who knew that the wonderful life I've lived would be for a few days only?

"Scara, wake up!"

Kazuha's calm voice woke me up. The sky was bright, and made his hair stand out more. His gentle eyes were staring at me.

"Huh? What's wrong?"
"It's really late already! We should get going!"

I sat down and Kazuha did the same in front of me.

"Where do you need to go, anyway?", I asked, surprised.
"Since I saw guards roaming on the shores of Narukami Island, there's probably less of them in town. So! I want to get some Dango Milk!", he bluntly said, with a big smile on his face.
"Oh. Do you know a place, then?"
"No, not really. It's the first time I'd get to try some, so I'd like for it to be with you!"

I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted for us to enjoy life to the fullest, with the risk of getting caught.

Those words kept echoing through my head. "Live a long and beautiful life."

It was long enough, but beautiful, I don't think so.

The bloodshed I've caused and saw, the injustices of the world... much awful things I've witnessed.

But, I want to spend just a day or two enjoying life.

I'm gonna do that today, want it or not.

"I'd like to do that too."

And you could say, this day is the one I decided to give up on my life.

Hi hi people!
Second upload in a day, but hey, surge of inspiration again!! I think I'm going to be able to write 3 or 4 chapters and then the fanfic will end (sadly).
Thinking of writing another KazuScara one but a high school one. Gonna save me lots of problems (and sadness lol).


I'm also super hurt when writing this, too, but I love the chaos ehehe—

Alright then, until next chapter!

(1350 words)

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