"The team FAKE LOVE that got an exemption for the elimination please come forward. Here's the test result of Sunoo, who got the exemption for the elimination. I-LANDER Sunoo test result is ranking 5."

Raina studied his body language and could tell that he was disappointed but also relieved.

"Here's the test result of Sunghoon, who got the exemption for the elimination. I-LANDER Sunghoon test result is ranking 3."

Raina's lips twitched into a smile, proudness gleaming in her eyes at Sunghoon's result.

"Here's the test result of Heeseung, who got the exemption for the elimination. I-LANDER Heeseung test result is ranking 1."

Now as disappointed as Raina was to lose her 1st ranking. Her utter proudness of Heeseung outweighed that, out of everyone she was not suprised in the least that it was Heeseung.

"Here's the test result of Taki, who got the exemption for the elimination. I-LANDER Taki test result is ranking 13. I-LANDER Taki is exempt from the elimination, so the ranking 12 will be eliminated."

Raina let out a shaky breath as her hands tightened their grip, her knuckles turned white. She watched as the 4 made their way back to the Gate into I-LAND, not before Raina met Heeseung's eyes. Their eyes communicated what they wanted to say.

I'm proud of you Hee.
Make sure you come back, Raina.

Raina nodded her head slightly and smiled at her best friend before she focused back, waiting for her fate to be decided.

"The 4 survivors who will be closer to their 2020 global idol debut have been determined. Now there are 8 seats left. Out of 9 people, 1 person with the lowest rank will be eliminated." Namkoong announced. Raina took a deep breath.

"We will announce the I-LANDER on ranking 2, who has survived. Thus is the score of the I-LANDER rank 2."

85 points

"The I-LANDER rank 2 who will survive is...Raina."

After hearing her name, Raina let out yet another shaky breath and stept forward.

"I am grateful and honoured that you enjoyed my performance, despite my ranking, I will not become complacent and will work harder to give you and the viewers a better performance," Raina spoke towards the producers and Bang PD before bowing before making her way to the gate. Not even a moment after the Gate had turned to I-LAND Raina felt arms wrap around her and her face buried into a warm shoulder. She grinned at the familiar scent of Heeseung who spun her around before letting go.

"I'm glad you made it." He chuckled. Raina grinned back before narrowing her eyes and hit his chest with her fist.

"How dare you steal my rank! I'm coming for you Hee." She falsely seethed, stomping her foot like a child. Heeseung, who actually felt scared for a moment broke into laughter after realising she was joking. Partly.

"I'll be waiting Raina." He responded with a smirk and patted her head, knowing she hated that and let out a pained noise after she harshly slapped his hand away from her head. Okay, he deserved that one.

As she walked further into the lobby, she received enthusiastic hugs from sunghoon and Sunoo who once again blushed when Raina congratulated him. Taki ran to Raina and pulled her into a teary hug.

"I got so scared at the possibility of you being eliminated. I mean I know you wouldn't have ranked that low to begin with but I-" Raina cut off his teary rambling.

"Shh, it's okay Taki," Raina whispered to the young boy in Japanese. Rubbing soothing circles on his back before releasing the boy and stepping back. She gave him a smile before focusing on the screen.

"We will announce the I-LANDER on ranking 4, who has survived.

he I-LANDER rank 4 who will survive is...K."

Raina's heart could give out at the sheer amount of relief she felt crash into her. He's okay. He's still here. Raina waited behind the others as K came out of the Gate until he made his way to her and brought her body into his. Her head rested in the crook of his neck as his arms encased her waist.

"One step closer." She whispered as she ran her hands through his hair. K had to physically stop himself from letting out a content sigh at her actions.

"One step closer." He repeated in her ear before both let each other go and stepped back.

"We will announce the I-LANDER on ranking 6  who has survived. This is the score of the I-LANDER rank 6."


"The I-LANDER rank 6 who will survive is. Jay."

Raina let out a breath of relief, although she knew he wasn't satisfied with his rank. Raina was just glad he was still here. Raina hugged him tightly before focusing on the screen once again.

Soon only Geonu and Daniel were left, Raina held her breath and squeezed Ni-ki's hand who squeezed back. She rubbed Taki's back soothingly as he stood on the other side of Raina, she knew how the guilt was eating him whole. Because that was what her guilt was doing to her, they were both in her unit.

Raina bowed her head similar to Taki. She couldn't bear to look at the screen.

"The last survivor test result will be announced. Rank 11 will survive and rank 12 will be eliminated. This is the score of the last survivor."


"The I-LANDER rank 11 who will be the last survivor is. Daniel."

Raina felt the tsunami of guilt crash into her as tears clouded her vision. Raina was the last one to congratulate Daniel who walked into I-LAND with tears streaming down his face. She smiled at him and pulled him into a hug.

It was time for them to say their final goodbyes to Geonu. They walked out of the I-LAND building, Raina pulled Geonu into a strong hug. The younger boy breathing in her cherry and peach scent.

"Thank you noona. I will not forget your advice, I will keep my head high and work harder." He promised her, his face buried in her neck. Raina smiled and patted his head before pulling away, and held his hands in her own.

"Good luck Geonu." She said, the guilt crushing her but she smile nonetheless. He smiled back and let go of her hands, Raina watched along with the others as Geonu walked away. Only turning when his figure disappeared from her sight.

She will never get used to goodbyes.

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