Chapter 20

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"Remus, I think we need to start thinking of names," I said and he nodded.

"How about for the boy, Jacob!" He said.

"Maybe how about for the girl, Jamie, short for Jasmine!" I said and he nodded. "And maybe for the boy, Teddy!"

"Definitely, though seeing as you picked the first names can I pick the second names!" He asked and I nodded. "Jamie Aleena Lupin and Teddy John Lupin?" I smiled and nodded. I was just wondering about the second name though, we aren't married! Cassie, Sirius and the bump walked into the room smiling.

That's right! She's that big that I'm now referring to the bump as a separate person!

"Have you chosen a name yet for the bump?" I asked and Cassie raised an eyebrow.

"The bump?" She asked and I nodded. "And yes we have chosen a name. Annie Orianna Black!" I smiled at them.

"What about you?" Sirius asked smirking.

"Jamie Aleena Lupin and Teddy John Lupin!" Remus said.

***Remus POV***

"Sirius can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Sirius and he nodded. We went out into the hall and he pulled the boxes out of his pockets.

"Yes I've got the rings!" Sirius said..We were going to propose to Cassie and Celeana tonight. "Is the picnic set up?"

"Yeah! Did Cassie look sceptical when you mentioned about the baby being called Black?" I asked.

"Yes did Celeana too?" I nodded, "Hopefully after tonight we would have wiped the look of their faces!"

"Remus, Sirius the babies are kicking!" Cassie yelled.

"Wow, got pregnant together, are sharing the babies room, are getting proposed to together, possibly having a joint wedding is there anything they won't be doing together!" I asked. We both ran into the dorm and Cassie and Celeana were guffawing.

"What's so funny?" Sirius asked.

"We wanted you back in here so we could ask you about your grannies meeting!" Celeana said. We sighed before sitting beside them. We asked them to go out with us tonight and they agreed.

I really hope she says yes!

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