Chapter 3

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Percy POV

That was eventful to say the least. From being banished from camp to possibly being the most powerful god in the world, I'd say I've done pretty well for a day. The power I most want to learn is my magic, it would be awesome to be able to do actual magic. There's probably a spell or potion for just about anything, which could defiantly be useful for dealing with my fellow gods. 'Fellow gods' it's feels weird to say that, I'm going to have to get used to being a literal god. I'll have to drop by Athena's library and see if she's got any books on magic, but before that I've got something else to do. Arriving at Zeus's palace, i awkwardly knocked on the door. The door flew open showing a huge corridor, the walls lined with ancient looking paintings. Slowly walking down the hall, I went through the massive set of doors at the end of it. I was met with another huge room with a throne in the middle of it. The man on the throne looked up and saw me. 

"Ahh Perseus, why have you come here, I assume your not just here to pay me a visit."

"You guessed right Zeus, I'm here to ask a favour of you." 

"If this favour is within reason I will grant it." 

"I want to start a group, a sort of boy band except we don't play music. Think the hunters of Artemis but only for guys instead. They will help me in any missions I may choose to take and will answer only to me. I ask you that I be able to teach members of this group magic and my various other abilities."

"Why have you come to me to ask this?"

"Because you are the king and I thought it best to get your agreement on the matter before I went ahead with it."

"I approve. You may make your 'boy band' as you call it. Though I doubt Artemis will be all to pleased. Good luck dealing with her." 

"Thanks Zeus" I called turning and running out of the room "I appreciate it." Zeus only laughed in response and went back to whatever he was doing. 

I know this is a short chapter but I thought it best to end it here instead of going on. And I know that this thing of Percy making his own version of the hunters of Artemis in an overused trope in these story's but I liked the idea. Love you guys. Have a good day 

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