"We've gotta get her back to the school," Ace said, ducking once more as the monster swung at him. The pick axe embedded itself in the cave wall, allowing an opening for them to escape. Deuce reached down and scooped Y/N up into his arms, carrying her bridal style as they ran from the dark cavern.  

The ghosts didn't bother coming back to try and stop them this time, and everyone was certain, that even if the ghosts had shown up, they would have simply ignored the specters and continued on. Y/n was their top priority now, stone or no stone. They needed to get her back to the school.

Once they reached the clearing with the hut of the seven dwarves, they paused for a moment both to catch their breath and check in on the female. Sadly, they discovered that her condition had worsened, even in the short time that they had been running. Frost was staring to grow on her body, forming beautiful designs as it sprouted on her clothes and skin, almost burning Deuce when he reached out to see just how cold she was. He drew his hand back instantly, wincing at the sudden pain. 

"Y/N? What happened?"

Y/N glanced down at her frost covered hands and shivered. "I don't know..." It was the honest truth. She could think of nothing that would cause her body to suddenly start frosting over. 

"Let's take her back to the mirror," Yuu suggested. "We can take her up to the infirmary from there."

"What about the stone," Ace asked, glaring at the dark cavern once again. "We need that if we want to continue studying here."

Y/N pushed herself out of Deuce's arms and nearly stumbled as her feet hit the ground. "I can get to the school by myself. You guys go back and try to get the stone. I'll just slow you down."

"But we can't just leave you here," Yuu said, taking the girl's hand in his, ignoring the pain that came with holding it. But Y/N seemed to know the pain that he felt and quickly pulled her hand away, cradling it tight to her chest. 

"I can make it there," she said. She slowly started to walk over to the mirror, and as she placed her hand on it, she thought of the school that she had just come from. The mirror lit up at recognition, and she turned back to the boys. "Go get that stone. Then come and visit me in the infirmary." She stepped through before they could say anything.

. . . 

"Wake up! You need to wake up!"

Y/N's eyes flickered open and she found herself staring up at an unfamiliar boy and the starry night sky.

"Where am I," she whispered. She glanced around, trying to find something that was familiar to her, but sadly, there was nothing around that she could use in her memories. It seemed like she was in a circular room of sorts, but her vision was blurry and it seemed as if crystals were starting to form at the edges, hindering her sight.

"You're at Night Raven College," the boy said, and Y/N felt him wrap an arm underneath her and pull her up. "What's your name?"

"Y/N," she said. She could hear her voice growing fainter, and as the words left her mouth, she felt her lips start to freeze in their position.

"My name is Jamil Viper," the boy said as he pulled Y/N into his arms. "You're freezing quickly. I need to get you to the infirmary. Can you stay awake until then?"

Y/N couldn't nod and simply stared up into space. The frost had almost fully engulfed her neck and chin, quickly followed by the ice that froze her muscles. She was unable to feel the boy's warmth on her side as he started running up toward the school, surprisingly fast for someone who was carrying another person in their arms, but as she felt her eyes start to shut, she couldn't find herself complaining. She was too tired to do anything at the moment. 

"Stay awake!" The voice sounded far off and distant, like someone was yelling at her from a mountain top while she stood in the valley.

"Jamil! What's going on?!" It was a new voice, higher than the voice of Jamil.

"I found her freezing next to the Dark Mirror. I'm taking her to the infirmary."

"I'll come with you!" There was another pounding of feet next to the boy who was carrying her and Y/N let out a sigh. The feeling of being shaken while Jamil ran was slowly starting to leave her body, and eventually, she found herself succumbing to the cold and the tiredness.

A/N: Unfortunately it's another really short chapter today. I hope to lengthen the chapters once we get out of the prologue and start diving into more about where Y/N comes from and the history of the Artem family. This story will follow the general plot of the game (if you haven't already guessed) with a few added things that will tie Y/N's family into the story a little more. Please forgive me for the short chapter, but we are almost done. Also, thank you so much for 1K reads, this is absolutely amazing! I never thought that it would get this many reads.

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