Richard M. Brewer

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The tribe chanted prayers as dawn arrived. Emiliano sat beside his mother's corpse; his head hung low. He glanced at his mother, dressed in a simple white gown. Her hair braided hair was decorated with an eagle feather and small flowers. When Laureana was alive, she always wished to be cremated, and her ashes would go to Emiliano; he would decide where to put her to rest.

 Yakez entered the wikiup. "It's time. Would you like help to take her to the pyre?"

Emiliano shook his head as he gently carried his mother in his arms. The sun slowly set as he walked outside; the tribe's people cleared a pathway. Everyone was silent as they watched Emiliano walk toward the handmade pyre. Once he stood before it, he put his mother on top of the pyre; his tears dripped on her face. He gave her one last kiss on her forehead.

Emiliano felt a hand on his shoulder; it was Gouyen. Her face was tear-stricken; she sang a small prayer. Yakez walked forward with a lit torch and motioned it to the young man. Emiliano grabbed it and slowly lit the pyre. The fire engulfed Laureana's corpse, and Emiliano looked away. He reached into one of his pockets and took out the ring necklace given to him. It was the ring his father had given his mother before he betrayed her. He hated the man and blamed him for his mother's misery. He then left the procession. Gouyen noticed and wanted to go after him but felt it was best to give him his space.

Emiliano walked to the top of a small grassy hill and sat on the ground. He put his face on his bent knees. Mixed emotions consumed him, and he didn't realize someone was walking toward him. "Good evening," said a masculine voice. The young man slowly lifted his head and stood in a defensive stance. "Don't worry; I'm not here to cause you trouble. My name is Richard M. Brewer. A pleasure to meet you."

"Emiliano Quinteras."

"Oh, so you are a Mexican?"

"Yes, Mother's side."

Richard nodded as he looked at the procession. "Sorry for watching your private event. If I had to guess, your Ma passed away."

"She died yesterday; she's being cremated at the moment."

Richard lowered his head momentarily. "I'm sorry for your Ma's death. I can imagine you're taking it hard."

Emiliano eyed him with caution. "Why are you here? The town's people don't come close to the tribe."

"I know what you did to the doctor; your skill impressed me." Richard noticed Emiliano tense up. "If you're worried I will turn you in, I won't. I wanted to talk to you about something important."

The young man crossed his arms. "Which is?"

"The doctor will wake up sooner or later and bring you trouble. Since I don't want that to happen, I came here to recruit you to the Regulators. " Robert smiled. "We are a posse that keeps our leader, John Tunstall, safe. Not only that, we keep Lincoln County in check."

"Lincoln County? I'm surprised that you came all the way here."

Richard massaged his forehead. "It's a long story, but there's tension in Lincoln County. There are rivalries between businessmen to gain control of beef markets and territories. Two of them, James Dolan and L.G Murphey, are the most corrupt of the bunch. My boss, John Tunstall, is fighting back against their corruption."

This intrigued the young man even though he never heard of the posse or any of the businessmen mentioned. "So you want me in your group to fight for this John Tunstall, right?"

"My, my, there is more to you than meets the eye. I know it's a lot to take in since you lost your Ma. If interested, meet me at the town's bed-house before the sun sets in the morning. My men and I must leave first thing in the morning since we came here for recruitments and to gather materials for John's ranch." Richard patted Emiliano on the shoulder. "You will have a good job and have protection. We, Regulators, see each other as family. I hope to see you soon." Richard walked away toward town; Emiliano watched in silence.

Emiliano turned and was about to walk down the hill but froze when he saw Gouyen standing not too far. "I heard everything. Please don't tell me that you're thinking of his offer."

"You must have also heard what I did to the town's doctor. He will have my head if I don't leave soon. If I stay, you and the tribe will be at risk. I can't allow that to happen." Emiliano walked downhill toward the tribe; Gouyen followed.

"Please think things through! We can move away!"

"Be realistic, Gouyen. It will take days to move everything in the tribe. Either way, I have my own goals."

This confused the young woman. "What goals?" 

She watched him stop. "I am going to find my Father."

"What!? That's an impossible goal! Laureana would have never wanted you to join a posse! You were her cherished treasure! That man is going to get you killed!" Emiliano continued forward, but she couldn't continue following him. Realization hit her that she was never going to be able to change his mind. Emiliano was determined to do what he wanted.

When Emiliano arrived at the tribe, the pyre was burned. He was informed that his mother's ashes were in his home. Upon arrival, he saw a handmade bag containing Laureana's ashes. Tears threatened to fall, but he shook them off as he held the bag. "I'm sorry, Mama. I have to do this. I will find your home and lay you to rest there." He got his handmade backpack and put his mother's ashes inside, along with knives, rope, and a pistol. 

The night would be cold, and he decided to take his handmade poncho; he was ready. Emiliano walked out of his home and walked towards town. Gouyen was nowhere to be seen; he was grateful. It would have been a painful farewell. By halfway, he turned to look at the tribe; it would be the last time he would see it again. He continued until he got to town; he was relieved there weren't many people.  

Loud noises and yelling were heard from a particular building at the town's corner. That's when he knew that he arrived at his destination. "He did say the bed-house." He approached the building; a man was standing by the entrance. The unknown man made Emiliano stop in his tracks. "Hey there, Richard told me to come here."

"Are you Emiliano?"

This was now or never. His answer would determine whether he would stay or go; he took a deep breath. "I am."

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