Origin Pt.5: Company

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Laureana woke from slumber, carefully exited the bed, and lifted her arm. There wasn't as much pain as yesterday. "At least I am healing."

There was a knock on the door; Etka entered. "Buenos dias. ¿Como te sientes (Good morning. How are you feeling)?"

"Mucho mejor (Much better)."

Ekta checked Laureana's arm and shoulder and instructed her to move the arm in different directions. "You are healing quickly, but don't overuse your arm. Breakfast is ready; your parents are waiting for you." Laureana's bandages were removed, and she was assisted in getting dressed. The women then arrived at the dining room, where Anselmo and Maria had already eaten breakfast.

"Laureana, is it true that you raced with Mr. Luke and lost?" chuckled Anselmo.

"My accident should give you the answer. You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

Maria sighed in relief. "It is nice that you are in the company of a man." She took a bite from a piece of egg. "This Gringo does not scare easily. I will admit that he has fire in him. Something that you need."

Laureana could not control the blush that became apparent on her face. "Mama! I have no interest in that man! He has caused nothing but trouble!"

"You brought trouble to yourself. You are too stubborn and ignorant for your good. That man wants nothing more than the opportunity to get to know you," said Anselmo.

Ekta stood by and listened to the entire conversation. She noticed that Laureana was getting annoyed. "Mr. and Mrs. Quinteras, it is best not to make your daughter uncomfortable. She does not need stress at the moment. She is still healing."

Anselmo nodded. "You are right. Laureana needs to heal; we wouldn't want her to upset Mr. Luke."

"I just lost my appetite." Laureana got off her seat and walked out of the dining room. Ekta shook her head at the two occupants and followed Laureana.

"That girl is becoming like you each day," stated Maria. "Husband, do you think this man holds some attraction for Laureana?"

"There is no doubt of it; he desires her. There is no doubt of it!"

The matriarch sighed. "Let us hope you are right."

Meanwhile, Laureana walked outside the house to get some fresh air; she and Ekta sat on a wooden bench outside the home. "My parents are unbelievable."

"Quite, they seemed to change their tone about that lad."

"I have a sense that there is something more. I feel my parents are planning something; I just can't put my finger on it."

Ekta sighed. "Your mother told me that the lad has postponed the land signing. Maybe it has something to do with you." She saw how surprised Laureana was. "He may not admit it, but he seems rather fond of you."

"I hold no attraction towards him!"

The elder giggled. "Oh, come now, you must at least admit that he is handsome. Even in my old age, I cannot deny that!"

"That is enough, Ekta. I don't want to speak more about this!"

"Speak about what?" asked a masculine voice.

The two women looked to their left and saw Luke riding toward them on his horse. "Good morning, young man."

"Morning. How are you feeling, Laureana? I hope better than yesterday."

"I'm getting better."

Luke smiled. "I was thinking of going to town to get some supplies to fish at the nearby river. I was hoping that you would join me."

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