15 ➹ secrets & societys

Start from the beginning

During freshman year, I stopped caring about math because it was too boring. I'd only started to care when Mom threatened that she'd make me quit the basketball team. The next day I'd asked Caleb for help, to catch me up on everything. By the end of the semester, I was averaging an A minus.

"Fuck off." Caleb grins walking away, and I watch him. When he looks down at some freshman their eyes widen and when he walks past, I see one pretend to faint. It takes a split second of her making eye contact with me for her to burn up turning a scarlet red. I wave and the entire friend group turns around embarrassed.

I'm about to head in the opposite direction myself but I make eye contact with none other than Nai, and she doesn't look happy. In fact, she's staring me down, eyes squinting, lips purse and all. She's hot even when she's angry.

"Entertaining people with the same mental age as you?" I turn around at the voice and Micaela Astralis is looking up at me with a raised brow, she's wearing the plaid school skirt which she's folded in itself. 

"You have something against me?" I ask, I mean other than the whole 'I'll need an escort' situation she seemed pretty fine, it was Margaux that had Caleb locked in with all her 'dos' and 'don'ts' in public. 

"Nah, against them."

"What they'd do?"

"I don't have enough patience or time of day to get into the kids in this school and all their wrong doings."


"Long story, anyway I was wondering if you thought of a costume yet?"

"I thought you were going to think of something?"

"Why would I think of something?" I shrug, "you know what, don't worry I'll ask Mila, she's like a designer freak. I'm sure she'll think of something." Micaela turns on her heel to walk away as the bell rings and I call out to her before she disappears from my sight completely, she stoips turning around. "Yeah?"

"Nothing with playboy bunnies or anything, alright?"

She shrugs, "sure, bye."

I look around to find Nai again, but she's disappeared. Shit, but also not shit because this is the plan, isn't it? At least the start, for her to be jealous.

I walk through the now empty hall, I've got basketball practice in two hours, and I'd rather get there early than late. Plus, I'm still trying to get back to how I was before I tore my acl last year.

I'm doing fine until a door slams open and I'm suddenly catapulted into a room, well, if I'm being honest tugged would be a better word but with the lack of expectancy this feels a lot like catapultian.

The lights flash open, and I'm let go off. "What the fuck?"  I ask adjusting to the bright lights.

When I look down, I'm met with the face I've been longing for. "Nai, are you on drugs or something?" She doesn't say anything. "No seriously, like please tell me if you are because -"

"Thomas said news has spread, you're with another girl?"

"What?" I ask, still trying to mentally catch up with the events that have just occurred. I've just been pounced on, and this is what she's thinking of?

Nai looks up at me, her hands dancing along the rim of the school shorts. "Who is she, Atlas?"

"You're jealous Nai." I grin, my girl, jealous.

"No, I'm not." She lies through her teeth, but her eyes tell a different story. They look up at me with desire, pleading the rumors aren't true.

I take hold of her hand, keeping it there even when my shirt rides up and now, she's touching skin. "Just admit it baby, I won't judge."

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