Admiral blue <3

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SORRY this is kinda a short chapter

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SORRY this is kinda a short chapter

"Making sure to do your best is dauntless way. So these are your partners for today. Good luck." Four finished his speech by turning the board round.

Blue vs Drew

Great. Drew was Peters friend along with Molly, they followed Peter around like ants following sugar. Drew was tall, slender with a mop of carrot coloured hair. Not the pretty fiery orange but an ugly washed out pale orange. He wasn't the most tactical and found it hard to manoeuvre his long body but if he did he was quick and strong. He reminded her of a strong fish. It can flail around but if it gets its teeth in you they're sharp.

Glancing over at the boy he had a sickening smirk on his features looking over at the girl. Azure shuddered but averted her gaze to molly who wore the same disgustingly creepy smirk. Looking back at the board she realised the girl was against Tris. Picturing Christina's fight yesterday all she could do was pity the girl. Turning back to the little friend group she realised peter had a hard turned expression. Not his normal smirk or even a glint in his eye he almost looked worried. That was in fact because he was against Edward. The only one strong enough to have a chance against Peter.

"Blue and Drew your up first"

Panic began to flutter in her chest, she needed to win. She wanted to win. He looked so excited it made her insides churn. Stepping into the ring she let out a breath, her muscles relaxed and her focus was prominent on the boy in front.

It was survival now and that's the only thing running in her brain.

Drew was the first to swing, missing her head by a few centimetres. Azure blocked his next few with her arms, watching how he was throwing them. Every time he through he would be defenceless. Even just for a second but it still counts. The next time he went to punch she blocked with her left and took her right with a jab to his face. He let out a groan before she hit again then again and again.

It was like the dream.

That was all he needed to get a good punch in, she felt blood trickle from her lip on to her chin. Focus was all she thought now. Kicking her leg up she hit his side. He backed off and then tried a punch, he hit her cheek but it wasn't as strong anymore. They were getting tired. Using the same technique as earlier she waited for him to go again, she blocked then with all the strength she could muster she pulled back her right arm and swung forward with a right hook landing straight on his temple. He hit the floor and was out cold for a few seconds before he started groaning.

Azure stood disgusted with herself as she locked eyes with Peter. As he picked up his friend no emotion laced his face, he gave her a swift nod before carrying his friend of to the infirmary. However she could have sworn she had seen a slight smile on his lips but she could have been imagining it.

Her knuckles hurt and her brain spun all she wanted to do was go find Chris and cry into his shoulder.

But she couldn't.

Making things worse as she got of the platformed ring a certain girl made conversation.

"You've started war now. Hurt him, you mess with me and Peter. Same goes if you hurt me or peter. Watch your back."


"I'm so terrified." She grinned at the girl earning a displeased grunt. Molly couldn't know that her threat actually worried the girl and molly wouldn't know. Not for now anyway.

Turning to Tris and the others her smile faded and she let her exhaustion catch up with her. Letting her friends see into her facade just a little.

"You'll be okay blue, that bitch won't do anything. Not with us here anyway."

"Thanks Al, your the best."

She found herself finally feeling at ease whilst she was chatting with her friends at the dinner table. The brown eyed girl really found herself warming up to albert. He was kind and funny but he brought her so much peace. he heavily reminded her of someone back at home.

however he was quite sensitive.

"oh come on al, you asked for it! you can't be mad." blue spoke in a pleading manner.

"i did not ask for you to reference my mum as a hog!" al replied in offence. The girl did not mean to actually offend the boy but when he mentioned that hogs where the ugliest things in the world, the response of 'a bit like your mother' came out of blues mouth too quickly.

"i'm sure she is very sweet al, i was just joking."


"al stop being a wuss otherwise i'll start calling you a hog. who's excited for the fight tomorrow!" Christina smiled even though the day before she got battered in her fight and today she acquired a few scratches. Al huffed with a roll of his eyes at blues smirk and the ex candor girls happy expression. will just chuckled at the scene and tris found herself smiling into her bread.

"i am not looking forward to fighting anybody. having to get into drew's personal space was worse enough. i don't even want to think about it" blue shuddered at the thought. "tris you seem quite close to a certain someone recently? mainly when we were warming up." tris gagged on her orange juice, letting a little come out her nose. this caused the table of friends to laugh. blue felt herself hunch over the table, gasping for breath between laughs. "omg your so into that ass tris." she pushed out as she sat up.

blue felt a force shove her back down into a hunch as the other people at the table stopped laughing. turning round she saw four pulling back his hand from a bench behind her and a very stern expression on his features. "what was that for!" azure exclaimed, a mock hurt displaying her face.

"i can hear you, i'm sat right here!"

"i never said i was talking about you." she gave him a wink and turned round once seeing his red face. "betcha feel silly now four." she have a warm smile to tris and felt herself stifle a laugh with everyone else but the couple of topic.

i had to add a cute scene because this chapter was SHORT

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i had to add a cute scene because this chapter was SHORT.


Code Blue - Peter Hayes, divergent Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant