Chapter 21

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I suddenly woke up with sweat coming down my face .
The pallet ... that's where I got it from the Italian's when we used to be allies .
I was only 3 but why am I remembering this dream all of a sudden ...
And my mum apologising for no reason when I cried about my old friend that was strange . She said they might've had a reason as if she was defending them .
This whole thing was actually stressing me out so I decided not to to school just yet , and since I was still healing from the stab I really didn't want to go back .
There was an apartment not to far from school so I brought a room and stayed there for the night .

I woke up around 12:30pm when I saw my phone ringing .
Facetime request from ' Evelyn ❤  '

"Hey Ev " I said putting the phone on speaker while I made my breakfast .

"Hi babess how are you " She said waving .

"I'm okay i guess "

"So what are you doing? Are you going to come back to school ? "

"Just making breakfast . Umm not sure just yet probably tommorow or later on , I'll let you know "

"Alright -
"Hi Amaya " Matteo said snatching the phone off Evelyn .

"Hi Matteo , now give the phone back to your girlfriend " I laughed .

"Thank you " Evelyn said snatching the phone back .
"Anyways , school's boring over here , I'm thinking of skipping - I could give you some company "

"Umm sure if Luca and Matteo are okay with it "

"What are they my mom " She laughed before she took a moment of what she said and stayed quiet .
"Anyways, yeah I'll probably have to ask them , but I'm coming , see you in abit bestie "

"Can't wait byee " I said cutting the call .

I made my some some eggs and went to go take a shower .
I put on a grey top and black leggings since today I was just going to stay inside .

Evelyn : What's the address ?
Me : Apartment D , door 15 .
Evelyn : Okayy

I started watching tv , and after like 10 minutes the door bell rang .

"Heyyy" Evelyn said hugging me .

"Hii" I said before slightly wincing in pain because she pressed so hard making my bruises hurt more .

"Oh sorry ... you okay ? " She asked letting go .

"Yeah just - yeah I'm okay " I smiled .

"Alright well , to get your mood up let's go somewhere "

"Ugh do we really have to go out right now " I moaned throwing myself at the couch .

"Yesss let's go shopping girl you need it " She said pulling my arm .

"Fine , but I'm only doing it for you " I said pointing my finger .

"Yeah yeah , get something cute on " She said sitting down on the sofa .
"Nice apartment by the way "

"Thanks "

I wore a plaid skirt and a v - neck black top . I matched the outfit with my iconic knee high black boots and I also wore small gold hoops and accessories . Finishing off the look I wore a black handbag with gold designs .
I left my curls wet and defined for that natural 'clean' look .

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