3 | Jiang Wanyin

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"Psst, A-Jie. I heard A-Cheng mumbled something yesterday. It's about something good but too bad we don't have our phone here," Jiang Xianzhan, also known as Wei Wuxian, whispered to his sister Jiang Lixuan, also known as Jiang Yanli. They made their way to the hall as Jiang Cheng was waiting them there.

"Hmm? What is it?" she whispered back to him.

"Let me repeat it;

"Ah... My birthday wish must be heard yesterday. Even though they are actually not them, the Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian I suppose to know, but I could finally feel like a home again where there's family within. It's been a year. Hope Lixuan jie and Xianzhan xiong can also take care of Jin Ling."

A-Jie, I think God was willing to help Jiang siblings 2 days ago. Both of your wishes have been heard and fulfilled.

But hey, I think we should reveal ourselves and wish him a happy birthday later since we couldn't make it to our home for our A-Yin. We couldn't keep the secrets any longer. How about that?" he said while looking at his sister.

"Hmm, that must be nice that our wishes have been fulfilled by God and that's a good plan you got there, Zhan didi. Good things that our parents still alive because our Yin shidi has been alone for a year right now. No family in this house, only him. Let's make him feel at home with family again," she sighed softly and rested her head on his shoulder while walking.


"A-Jie, do I need to keep this Eren Yeager's hair or just let grow until it reached my waist?" he asked her.

"Nonsense, you absolutely didn't have Eren Yeager's hair. You have your little white streaks there. Keep your hair this long forever," she said as she pulled his white streaks hair lightly.

"Ouch and thank you, A-Jie," he tried to push his sister's face away but she fought against it by wrapping her arms around his body.

"Hmph, there you are. Let me introduce you my nephew here, Jin Ling. Jin Ling, go meet your Lixuan shigu and Xianzhan shishu there." a kid suddenly jumped off from Jiang Cheng and ran towards the siblings.

"Lixuan shigu, Xianzhan shishu, nice to meet you!" a kid put a big smile on his face while looking at them.

"Oh my, we have our little martial nephew here. What's your name, little one?" Jiang Xianzhan squatted down and made eye contact same level with the kid, he rested his hands on his knees.

"Jin Ling, courtesy name Jin Rulan!" he gave out his proud huffed sound and Jiang Lixuan also squatted down just to squish his cheek.

"Aww, what a lovely little guy we have here. What should we call you? Jin shizhi?" she asked him while still squishing his cheek.

"Ahahah, stop that Lixuan shigu and yes, Jin shizhi!" he tried to push away her hand but he got lifted up by her instead.

"Hmph, A-Cheng. Is anyone around here? We both need to reveal something, A-Ling should know it too," Jiang Xianzhan suddenly said in serious tone.

"Eh? Well, okay then. We can do our sparring this evening. What is it?" Jiang Cheng said while his arms crossed.




"Happy birthday, Jiang Wanyin!" Jiang Xianzhan and Jiang Yanli suddenly exclaimed and gave him the warmest group hug ever. Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling only stood there blankly.

"W-what?" Jiang Cheng asked them confusingly.

"Finally, we managed to wish our Jiang Wanyin his 20th birthday wish, as long as we finally done it," she said as soon as she let her tears out.

"S-shijie?" he still dumbfounded, same goes to Jin Ling

"Ahahah, A-Cheng... We both made a promise to each other before we completely left our world. We promised that we will wish our Jiang Wanyin a birthday wish if one of us survived but... We both actually did it, here right now!

Before we left our world, A-Jie also has a younger brother. His name is Jiang Wanyin, just Jiang Wanyin as his birthname, no courtesy name for all if us. He has same height with me but his hair is shorter than mine. Sadly, we both died, completely on the day of his birthday, by an accident which God was willing to help us by meeting each other again in other world, this world. Good things that our parents Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan still have him.

Well, the reason we did this to you because I heard you last night. You wished to meet your sister Jiang Yanli and your martial brother Wei Wuxian and God fulfilled your wish indeed. We may not the Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian you suppose to know but we promise, promise that we will let you feel at home with family again.

We see you as our Jiang Wanyin, A-Cheng. Please do see us as your Jiang Yanli and your Wei Wuxian too," Jiang Xianzhan explained everything to him which made him finally broke into tears and hugged them both tightly. They accepted his hug and patted his back for comfort.

"A-Jie... A-Xian... Thank you. T-thank you for this. I don't care if my birthday was 2 days ago but thank you thank you so much. It's been a year since I feel at home again..." he thanked while hiding his face on her shoulder.

"Jiujiu? Lixuan shigu? Xianzhan shishu?" Jin Ling still dumbfounded.

"Ahahah, Jin shizhi, come here. Let's have a big group hug. We will explain everything," she let out a soft giggle and held her hand out for the little one to join.

They had a great talk for the entire morning. Jiang Cheng told them that Wei Wuxian was very scared of dogs. He also told Jin Ling that Jiang Lixuan is his mother but from other world and now he refused to let her go. She told him that they need to be careful with Jiang Xianzhan because of the low blood pressure and explained what is that as it still doesn't exist in this world. Jiang Xianzhan refused to believe that he still had low blood pressure as he didn't feel any sudden tired or dizzy lately in this world.

Jiang Cheng now called her shijie while Jiang Xianzhan is shixiong. She called him Cheng shidi from now on while Jiang Xianzhan still called him A-Cheng. He called Jin Ling A-Ling instead of Jin shizhi. Jin Ling called her Jiang shigu while he called him Jiang shishu.

Now it was afternoon, the Jiang disciples were suprised and immediately celebrated about their new seniors. Some of them still couldn't believe that they saw their seniors that they had little of their Madam Jiang and Yiling Laozu appearance. Their Maiden Jiang was the first one to be sparring with their Sect Leader Jiang on the field.

"You ready, Cheng shidi? Don't hold back!" she exclaimed as she steadied the sword on her hand, a mischievous and confident shown on her face.

Jiang Cheng gave her the same expression and said, "Shijie, I'm ready as I always. Now!"


A/N: Maiden Jiang is sparring with Sect Leader Jiang now, hohoho 👀. Senior Jiang and Sect Leader Jiang friendly battle in next chapter :)

(1228 words)

To the past with Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian! || MDZS Modern Crossover AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang