Shravan: Yeah now I know that too.

Suman: Then I guess I don't have anything to apologize for anymore.

Shravan: I guess not.

Both of them laughs and looks at the scenery in front of them.

At school

Shravan's gang is laughing.

Sahib: You should have seen their faces. The way Bunty was telling the story and the reactions they were giving. Seeing it live was a whole another experience.

Ved: They will never even think of pulling a prank like that.

Shravan: Those guys are just really predictable. It was obvious they were planning something stupid.

Ambuj: And thanks to Shravan's pre-planning we managed to scare them.


Shravan's friends are sitting together keeping Shravan in the center in the camp at night. The campfire is burning, some students are preparing to light lanterns.

Mayank: Look at Anish's gang, the way they are talking and looking at us, they are definitely up to something.

Shravan: I know what they are up to, that dhumketu is one shrewd guy but his imagination is very limited. I can give you in written that they had thought that I wouldn't be here tonight so in this chance they will trouble you guys.

Bunty: Typical bully people. They are probably thinking of pulling a scare prank. You know dressed up as ghost and scare you at middle of night and make a scene.

Shravan: And now that I'm here they are probably thinking of attacking my tent instead.

Sahib: What? Shravan I am not good with scary stuff.

Shravan: Don't worry. Why do you think we have packed so much stuff? When Anish said to me about the field trip at school I knew it from then that he is up to something, so I came prepared.

Shravan then explains his plan to them.

Shravan: So we all will stay awake inside our tent. You two will stay outside on alert. If you see them coming outside of their tent then you will send the first signal, howl like a fox, you do that the best.

Bunty: And when you see them going towards their target tent then give us another signal to understand which tent they are heading towards.

Shravan: I've brought enough item to keep in each of our tents, no matter which tent they choose we will not let them go easily.

Bunty: And I have ghost stories ready for every scenario. Afterall Shravan mia and I, we were the prank king duo back in the days.

Sahib: Then how about if they targets our tent then signal us by tiger roar?

All of them stare at him.

Sahib: What?

They all laughs, the other students looks at them, the army gang looks at them, Shravan's gang gives a no care attitude look at them and continues with their planing.

Later when Anish and his friends came out and meet each other in the dark, one of Shravan's friends saw them from behind a tree. He howls like a fox, a few of Anish's gang looks around, he hides behind the tree. When they head towards Shravan's tent another friend does bird noises to alert others. Then he moves from there which one guy notices from Anish's gang. He gets scared and switches on light. When Anish was rebuking him, the other from Shravan's gang came out from their tents secretly and took their position which they had decided beforehand. They all keep an eye on Anish's gang. When Anish's gang slowly lets the spider inside, on the other side of the tent door, Bunty captures the spider in a box. Sahib wanted to scream but Shravan holds his mouth. They then started playing a recording in a phone, hearing which from outside the tent, Anish's gang thinks they have woken up. They go on with their prank and the recording keeps going on. Shravan, Bunty and Sahib takes their hiding places inside the tent, placing the skeletons in the bed, there were attached strings, they practiced it if they can properly control the skeletons from their hiding place. Anish's gang had started making scary scene infront of the candle, over the tent's curtain. Shravan's gang from inside and outside the tent was enjoying this as horror comedy with popcorn. Shravan even made fun of Sahib when he closes his eyes being scared. All of them tries to hide their laugh, but the sound got out and got mixed up with the recording. Doubting something Anish and others get inside the tent. Bunty slowly comes out of his hiding place and secretly tries to keep the spider over one guy. But his hand touched the guys back and he got scared, started creating a ruckus. Bunty hurriedly hides again. The ruckus keeps going on, the lights goes out and Anish gets pushed on Shravan's bed, the skeleton head comes apart and falls on his lap. Shravan notices things are going out of their hands, he signal others and they pulled the strings. The result was terrific. Seeing the skeletons rising up Anish's gang scream and run out of the tent. Shravan and others comes out fast, his gang already gathered behind their tent, they passed the few obvious scare items like the skeleton on their hands, they dumped those things somewhere they previously decided. Then went to the camp side from different sides pretending they came out like others hearing the ruckus of Anish's gang. Shravan, Bunty and Sahib peek outside to understand the situation. They checked if everything inside was ok, then count to 3 and got outside pretending to wake up. At that time Anish's gang came back with drill sir.

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