Touch Me

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Touch Me by CaitSarai

I didn't really know about the 'Reverse Haram' theme until recently. 

I first came across it when I was going through someone else's reading lists and I was intrigued about this new thing. However, nothing really caught my eye in that reading list so I left the theme alone.

Later on, someone had explained in a comment in some book (I don't remember which one) explaining what Reverse Haram was and my interest in exploring it bloomed. They said it was basically one female with many male lovers and I was like "Hell yeah! I love me some polyamory".

But I still didn't go out actively searching for a book with this theme. However, 'Touch Me' caught my attention and the minute I was done with the book I had been reading, I jumped on this book. And let me say this, it did not disappoint.

Additionally, this was a quality vampire book which are, surprisingly, even more difficult to find than quality werewolf books. Personally, I read vampire books for some blood sucking during the heated scenes but I just don't see that primal nature being represented without it seeming abusive because of the toxic vampire lead. But, Touch Me did really well in satiating me.

On top of that, the book had a never before seen plot line. And by never before, I do mean in all genres, not only vampire.

Coming to the writing, it was beautifully done with excellent world building. The characters were well explored too except one of the male lovers. I can see why the author let him be a mystery until the very end (and we still know only a handful about him at the end) but I do feel like a connection was left unexplored as a sacrifice for the mystery. 🙁 Oh well. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Overall, it is a beautiful piece of work. I love it.


~ R-rated

~ Completed


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