Emiliano Quinteras

Start from the beginning

The older woman shook her head. "I didn't want him to know; it would devastate him. You know that I don't like to see him in pain." She extended her hand to Gouyen; the young woman held her hand. "I don't have much time and so much to tell him."

"Mama." The two women saw Emiliano carrying a wooden bowl by the entrance. Beside him was Yakez, the tribe's healer.

"Emiliano, Yakez." Laureana noticed the saddened look on her son's face.

Yakez, who was always stern, held sadness in his intense eyes. He gently grabbed the bowl from Emiliano as he walked toward Laureana. "He heard everything."

Sadness filled her being; Laureana noticed the denial in her son's eyes. "Please do not be angry with Yakez. I told him not to say anything." The pain in her chest became worse; she coughed. Blood dripped from her mouth. Yakez gave her the medicine, and Laureana's ragged breathing became calm.

Emiliano went to his Mother. Yakez and Gouyen left the duo alone. "I can't let you suffer like this, Mama. I am going to the nearest town to get medicine! Mamá, no vas a morir. No dejaré que eso suceda (Mom, you will not die. I won't let that happen)."

Laureana smiled and gently touched her son's face. "Emiliano, remember when you were a little boy, you once saw me cry and asked why?"

"Yes, that is the first time I have ever seen you cry. I always saw you as a strong woman."

"I am not as strong as you think, Emiliano. Let me tell you a story." She spoke about the Mexican-American war, her former home, family, and heartbreak. Also, about his Father. Throughout Emiliano's childhood, she lied that he died before he was born. It was painful for her to tell her son the truth. "Mama, the man you spoke of, is it my Father?"

She nodded. "I didn't want to speak about him because I didn't want you to try to find him since he has another family." Laureana reached into her shirt and took out a necklace with a golden ring. "I want you to have this. This is the only thing I have of your Father."

The young man eyed the ring as his Mother put it in his hand. He felt many emotions in his heart; he squeezed the ring. "How could he do this to us!? To you!?"

Laureana looked away and closed her eyes. She suddenly felt a pang of pain in her chest. Laureana coughed loudly and harder, and more blood poured out. Gouyen and Yakez entered when they heard her.

"I need to make more medicine! Gouyen, please fetch me more herbs!" Gouyen went as instructed.

Emiliano became fearful; he put the golden ring necklace in his right pocket. "That's it! I have to get a doctor to give me medicine!" When he was about to leave, Laureana grabbed his left hand. "E-Emiliano! Y-Your Fa-Father is-!"

"Mama, save your strength! I will be right back!" Emiliano ran out of his home to go to town. "I have to save my Mama, no matter the cost!" The path seemed endless, but Emiliano eventually arrived in town; he stopped momentarily to catch his breath. He slowly ran towards a small white wooden house that was nicely kept. Emiliano knocked on the door; the door opened. An older man in his late fifties came out. "By golly, young boy. Why do ya knock with such vengeance!?"

"Doctor, please, my Mother is very ill! Her coughing has become nonstop, and she coughs out blood! I know you will not come to the tribe, but please, I ask for some medicine!"

The doctor stood silently and slowly shook his head. "Boy, the way yer describin' things, she's dyin'. There's nothin' I or the medicine can do. Ya gotta accept reality."

"There's something that you have that can help her! At least to ease her pain!"

"Sorry, kiddo. There's no savin' yer ma. Even if I did, ya don't have the money to pay for medicine.

As Emiliano argued with the doctor, he was being watched by a group of unknown men. "That fella sure is blowin' a gasket," said one of the men.

"Who wanna bet that it will turn bloody?" asked another.

Three other men raised their hands. The group leader wasn't paying attention to his men as they swapped money; he kept watching Emiliano. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the doctor trying to calm Emiliano and invited him to his home.

"Ah, shucks! Seems it isn't gonna be bloody; I lost the bet! Come on, boss; they made up. Let us go have a hog-killin' time."

"Quiet, look."

The men looked at what their leader pointed at. Emiliano was seen walking out from the backdoor of the house. "So the chap is out. What's the deal?"

"There is something off about him." He watched as Emiliano walked past many of the townspeople and began to run when he was far enough. "I wonder..." The group leader walked to the doctor's house; his men followed. He knocked on the door; no answer. The door was opened, and the group entered.

"Strange, the doc would've come by now," said a middle-aged man in the group.

The group leader noticed that a particular door was closed; it made him curious. He opened it. His eyes widened when he witnessed the doctor lying on his bed. Everyone else saw him, too.

"Is he dead meat?"

The group leader put two of his fingers on the doctor's neck. "No, he's not dead; he just lost consciousness." The unknown man couldn't help but be impressed. Emiliano made the doctor lose consciousness and wasn't caught by any townspeople. "We need to make a stop; that young man could help us."

Meanwhile, Emiliano ran while feeling victorious; he had a medicine bottle in his pocket. He had to squeeze onto the doctor's neck until he lost consciousness; it gave him time to get what he wanted. There would be consequences later, but he was willing to take the risk. He eventually returned to the tribe but felt something was wrong; dread was in his stomach.

He stopped when he saw all the tribespeople surrounding his home. The people noticed him; they became silent and cleared a pathway for him to enter. There were a few whimpers and soft cries from women. Emiliano felt his feet wobbling with each step he took. Gouyen stood at the entrance; her face was tear-stricken. "Emiliano..." She went and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"No. I-I have her medicine." Emiliano extended the bottle. "See?"

Yakez exited the wickiup. Everyone was quiet as the elder walked to Emiliano. "Tu madre finalmente está en paz (Your mother is finally in peace)."

The medicine bottle was dropped as Emiliano entered his home; everything was quiet. He saw his Mother lying on the cot; she looked peaceful. Emiliano walked and knelt before her. "Mama." He gently grabbed her left hand; her skin slowly became pale. "I brought you medicine, Mama. All I wanted was to take care of you after all you have done for me." Tears formed and fell onto her hand; his wails echoed throughout the tribe.

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