08 | darling, i'm screwed

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song: Come and Get Your Love by Redbone


"hail (hail), what's the matter
with your head, yeah."

After the whole 'broom closet fiasco,' Rose didn't pull another stunt like that again.

The facade was still going on, but with the added bonus of handholding, public affection, and whatnot. They spend many hours of the day together.

"Say, what do you think about Gilmore Girls?" Nix wondered out loud.

The "couple" was currently holding hands and walking around the outdoor courtyard.

"I like Gilmore Girls." Scorpius said.

"Who's your favourite character?"

"Kirk, definitely Kirk."

"Kirk is always the best." Nix agreed.


It was now December and the holiday chill was in the air. But the Burrow was warm and cozy as ever.

"Gran! It's great to see you." Nix greeted her Grandma Molly with a hug.

"It's good to see you, Nix dear." She smiled warmly at her granddaughter. "Come, come. Your room is ready."

With so many grandchildren, it's a lot of guests to hold on holidays. The Burrow went through renovations and is now bigger.

Nix settled down into her room. She quietly unpacked the clothes she brought into her dresser, since she'd be staying for one week.

All the Weasley grandkids stayed at the Burrow for a week, and with their immediate family for the other. But everyone would go to the Burrow for the Christmas dinner and gift openings.

After she was done settling the books she brought, the door bell rang. She thought someone would get it, but after a minute it rang again.

"Bell!" She shouted to absolutely no one in particular. All her cousins should be home.

The bell rang again and she reluctantly got out of her room and went down the stairs.

But when she got there, Rose opened the door. There appeared her "boyfriend." Tall, blond, and gorgeous, carrying a duffle.

Scorpius stayed at the Burrow for Christmas too.

"Scorpius!" Rose exclaimed. She lunged at him and threw her arms around him. "It's great to see you!"

He awkwardly stood there and patted her back a little. "Great to see you too, Rosie."

They disconnected and Scorpius walked over to where Nix stood.

"I missed you." He said before kissing her on the cheek and hugging her. Not the kind of pathetic one he reciprocated to Rose.

Her cousin's perfume left a little scent on him, and she didn't like it. Roses, of course.

Nix didn't need to look to know that Rose was angry.

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