05 | favours

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song: Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys


"do me a favour,
and stop asking questions."

"Tweasley." Scorpius said from behind her. She turned around to face him.

"Malfoy." Nix scowled. "What do you want?"

"I need a favour." he said.

"Well yes I get that. But what is the favour?"

Scorpius sighed and sat down at the chair next to hers. "I need you to fake-date me. Do me a favour, Tweasley."

Nix parted her lips in surprise. What kind of a favour is that?? "And why should I?" She asked slowly.

"Because I'll do you a favour." He simply shrugged.

A favour like: making sure I surpass him and get a guaranteed spot as Head Girl..?

"And why do you need this favour, anyways?" Nix asked. "Don't you have possibly everything anyone could ever want?"

"I want your cousin Rose to notice me." Scorpius turned away from her stare and blushed. "I fancy her."

"Rose? You like Rose?" Nix laughed. "Well that's your funeral. Why do you like her anyways?"

"Well she's quite fit... But will you help me or not?" Scorpius asked impatiently.

"For any favour? Deal." She held out her hand for him.

He took it and they firmly shook hands.


The next day in the Great Hall, mail arrived as the students were eating breakfast. Nix had received a letter from her parents.

She made a mental note to write to them later.

But another envelope arrived for her, just as she was eating a croissant.

She set down her food and wiped her hands with a napkin, before opening the envelope.

It was about the size of a small card. The front and back were blank. Inside was just a piece of paper. Nix unfolded it carefully, afraid of what prank Leo and James were pulling.

There was no prank, but instead was Scorpius' handwriting. Hogsmeade, this weekend?

Mini fireworks exploded around her head and all of a sudden Scorpius was there. He was kneeling down next to her with a beautiful dahlia in his hand. (Because a rose wouldn't be appropriate.) Dahlias were her favorite.

"Malfoy." Nix whispered at him. Everyone in the Great Hall was looking at the spectacle now. "What are you doing?"

"Go along with it." Scorpius whispered back. "Phoenix Toh-Weasley will you do me the honour of letting me accompany you to Hogsmeade this weekend?" He said in a loud voice, so everyone could hear.

Nix glanced toward the Gryffindor table. Rose was looking at them. There was fury in her eyes but she had a calm demeanor.

She looked back into Scorpius' grey eyes. Nix smiled, "Of course. I'd love to."

People in the Great Hall clapped as he got up and sat down with Nix.

Soon the clapping died down and Nix raised a brow. "Part of your plan, I assume." It wasn't a question though.

"Well Rose was watching, wasn't she?" Scorpius pointed out. "I can already feel that it's working."

Nix knew exactly that it indeed was working. Every chance she got, Rose would ruin something for her. From scribbling on a painting she made, to stealing her second crush, to being her family's favorite golden child. It was always Rose.

𝐃𝐎 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⎯  scorpius malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now