03 | present-tense

88 3 0


song: Cooks by Still Woozy


"cause I'm feeling tired of the way we're moving on,
just lay me on the lawn."

now in their sixth year...

Over the course of time, Nix regretted ever being friends with Scorpius. Or choosing Slytherin for that matter as well.

Her and Albus stopped hanging out. The reasons unknown to her.

Nix blames Scorpius for stealing her best friend. The one true friend she had was gone after the middle of their second year at Hogwarts.

In fact, she never considered anyone else a true friend. Sure there was all her cousins, but they weren't that close. And there was her brother. Whom she loved and cared for, but they were in different houses and years.

To shorten it up, Nix was lonely.


But when in Nix's third year at Hogwarts, she did make one friend. Just the one.

Her name was Allie Young and she was also in Slytherin. They were roommates but never really talked until that year.

She was the only close friend Nix had in Slytherin, and she was thankful for it.


Another day of ordinary-esque at the library. Nix had a three page essay due soon on the interpretation of Amortentia.

Nix glanced her eyes back and forth from her notes to what ever essay she was scribbling down. A shadow slowly darkened her view of the paper. She turned around to face whoever was blocking her light.

"Oh. It's just you." She sighed and turned back to her work.

"Just me?" Her best friend put a hand over her heart in mock-offense. She took a seat across from her. "It ain't ever 'just me.'"

"Well today it is." Nix chuckled.

"What you working on?" Allie glanced over to see what she was writing.

"Potions essay."

Allie snatched up her bag in a swift motion, "Oh my! I need to do that! Thanks for reminding me!" She got up and started walking away.

"Wait where are you going?" Nix asked. Was she going to come over just to leave?

"I'm going to go work on it in the common room."
Allie replied, still walking away. "Cya there, girl."

She sighed after her friend was out of sight. Nix picked up her pencil and continued her busy writing.

A folded paper in the shape of a bird flew over to Nix and landed next to her essay. It caught her by surprise and she looked around to see who it was that sent it.

Much to her surprise, no one was around her table. And the other students were too far away and busy.

She carefully opened the delicate crane. Written inside was, "Tweasley, I need a favour."

Nix knew exactly who sent it. Only one person called her 'Tweasley.' Scorpius Malfoy.


deja vu, anyone??

𝐃𝐎 𝐌𝐄 𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⎯  scorpius malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now