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Lexie stood in the ambulance bay as she looked to Iain "so are you going to tell me what is going on" Lexie asked as Iain looked to her and sighed

"I know what you thinks but I swear I don't remember anything. I was out, it's was guys night and I had a lot to drink. I don't remember getting home but I remember waking up and knowing that something felt wrong. Lily was wasting my shirt and telling me how we had sex. It didn't feel right. I felt sick" he said as Lexie looked to hun and frowned

"and you have no memory of it" she asked as he shock his head

"this isn't your fault Iain. She ever took advantage of you. Raped you or she is lying about it to come between us. This is screwed up. You do know what don't you" she said as he smiled

"I know I know I should of told you but this is screwed up and it's a mess and I just don't know what to think" he said as she smiled.

Lexie knew that she felt anxious over it but she was glad that Iain didn't cheat on her after all. Lexie knew that she couldn't help but worry over what Iain had told her

Lexie sat in the staffroom as she got to work. She looked to see Esmè and smiled

"are you okay" Esmè asked as she looked to her best friend

"not really. All I can think over is Iain and what's been through. Lily has either dine one of two friends, assaulted him, raped him while mortal drunk or lied to him over it, I just don't know what to think over it all" Lexie said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard I do, but I am here for you and I love you and I know hear you are pregnant and scared over it all but you have to remember that Iain isn't to blame for it, Lily is. She messed with him and you and messed with his head, you need to be there and support him snd think over the baby, I know its hard but you and Iain will get through this" Esmè said as Lexie looked to her and smiled

"I had no idea what was going on with him, I thought he cheated on me and I've been a cow I just can't believe this" Lexie said as Esmè looked to her and smiled, Lexie knew how much of a mess it was and how worried that she was over it all

Lexie walked into the ambulance bay and smiled as she saw Iain. She knew just how tense that things were with them and she knew that s he didn't want it to be that way, Lexie smiled as she saw Iain as he sat in the back of an ambulance and smiled as she looked to him and smiled

"are you okay" Lexie asked as he nodded

"I know that things are hard but I am here for you and I love you and I promise I am going no where okay, I trust you and I trust that we are strong enough to do this together" Lexie said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed

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