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Lexie sat in the flat and sighed. Her head was a mess. She didn't know if Iain had cheated on her with Lily. She knew that they were having a baby. But deep down, she knew Iain and she knew deep down, that there may have been some truth in what Lily said.

Lexie looked up as Esmè walked in. Lexie groaned. "How did you get in?"

"I have my ways. I'm awesome. Anyway. You okay?" Esmè asked as she looked at her.

Lexie shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. You know how I told you what Lily had said? About sleeping with Iain?"


"Well what if it's true? What if he did sleep with her? How will I cope?" Lexie asked.

Esmè took her hand. She smiled. "Trust me. I don't think he ever would cheat on you. You're both too good together. And you're having a baby."

Lexie sighed. "I just... it's been playing on my mind. And Iain was quick to jump in saying it wasn't true."

"Exactly. It's not true babes. You're just overthinking. And you know you are," Esmè said.

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Trust me."

Lexie went into work. Iain smiled. "Hey you. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

Iain nodded. "My shift is over now. So I'll see you at home?" He asked.

Lexie nodded and sighed. She didn't know why, but she had all different thoughts going on in her head and she was scared.

Lexie looked up as her dad walked towards her. He smiled. "How are you?"

"Fine. Have you decided to step up and be a father to Esmè's baby yet?" Lexie asked.

Sam sighed. "Lex. It's complicated. You know it is. She's your best friend."

Lexie rolled her eyes. "Yet that didn't stop you dick dipping did it? Sort it out. Be a man. Or you won't be in my life for much longer. And that's a promise. You can't just pick and choose who you're a dad too. It just sucks."

"Lex. Come on. Don't be like that. I have to focus on you. First and foremost, I'm your father. And I'm Grace's father."

Lexie rolled her eyes and walked off. She didn't like how her dad was acting. And it was annoying her to say the least.

Lexie was sitting in the staffroom. She smiled as Charlie walked in. "How you doing?" He asked as he looked at her.

Lexie smiled and nodded. "I'm good. I'm just... trying to get ready for her arrival. I can't wait to meet her. To see what her personality is. What she looks like," she said.

Charlie nodded. "Yeah. Well good luck."


Lexie went back to the flat. She saw Iain sitting on the sofa. He looked to her. "Hey. Didn't think you'd be back so soon."

Lexie frowned. "Considering I finished half an hour ago? Are you sure you're okay?" She asked as she looked to him.

Iain nodded. He smiled. "I'm fine. I love you babe."

"I love you too."

The two of them kissed for a moment before Lexie got changed. Unaware of how her relationship with Iain was going to be pushed to the extreme.

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