Pt.16 future time

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Eren's pov

I had saw her today, wandering in the halls. She looked lost, I didn't talk to her again. Who knows what she or the others would've done if I had.

Before the school year had started, over the summer, I had found out one of the major thinks that had put her in the coma. It was chemical imbalance, something wrong with her heart. I don't even think she knew.

I was on my way to third period. I had planned out a way to find out more about her through the others but my thoughts were quickly interrupted by me bumping into someone.

"Ohhh, I'm sorry." The girl had said and I widened my eyes. I recognized the voice almost immediately.

I looked down and saw the beautiful hue of her e/c coloured eyes. Then I looked down at the mess of papers. I felt like an ass for having to do it but I didn't have a choice. If anyone saw me with her any longer, it'll start things again.

"It was my fault, I should have been looking where I was going." I said then turned to walk away.

I hated that I had to leave her like that, but it was for her own good.

I had just looked at her briefly all day. I had done fine, until she walked into the my last period. I stopped and looked at her, she didn't show any sort of emotion towards the others. Almost as if she didn't know them.

No one had talked to her that much today either. After the party, rumors started. Horrible things really, all of them bending to truth then doing down hill from there. None of them were exactly the truth, nothing but the lies of people. When everyone was rushed out, the had took me and y/n having sex, then turned it into how she fucked me and got bored so started shit, as if she wanted attention for no reason. Only a few of us knew the truth, the real truth. Everyone had now believed that sense she's back, she was pregnant and had a baby. Of course that didn't happen, but we had all agreed we wouldn't tell anyone the truth, they didn't deserve to know.

She hadn't seen me as the bell rang. She sat towards the middle of the classroom, I was far enough in the back corner to not get noticed.

As Mr.Pixis walked into the room, and announced when the quarter project was due, y/n's face had a confused look on it.

She had raised her hand and asked if there was anyone she could work with to help her with it. I had shot a look to Mr.Pixis and he chuckled. He then looked at me and told her that she could help me as long as I could help her. It wasn't exactly worded the right way but it was something.

If any of the others found out they might have my head. As y/n grabbed her stuff and walked over to my desk, I pulled out my phone and texted Levi to tell Mikasa, y/n and I were assigned to work together for a project. I didn't know how she would take it, but it's better then letting her see as and not know.

We didn't talk as much, just a few words here and there. After class she did suggest that she come over to help us work, I didn't say no. I don't know why I didn't, but it just came out. Maybe because I just wanted to see and be near her again, though last time I was anywhere close to her, I put her in a coma. Which now that I think about it, she hasn't said anything about it. It's almost as if it never happened, or she forgot it.

After class, I pulled her out into the hallway, in which she had no problem following. I was just going to try something out to prove my theory. I didn't know which was this was going to go,

"My names is Eren by the way." I said, sounding more blunt than I intended.

"Well it's nice to meet you Eren." She said casually but I could hear a bit of her cheery voice.

And that proved, she had forgotten. I wasn't sure how far back her forgotten memories were, but she for sure didn't remember anything from last year.


When I got up to my room, I had taken the time to collect myself as my old memories came in.

My mom had lied to me about her job, she might've got fired for it too. But also something I found do strange to me, I was out of the coma in August, I just didn't fully wake up until October. That might explain why everyone said 10 months rather than a year.

I was unsure why everyone lied, I knew that it was probably to keep me safe but, it would've saved me and the others around a lot of trouble.

I rolled around on my bed and looked at the ceiling while.

God, I had just wondered what everything would be like now, it would hardly be that same as it was. As well as judging by the looks of the student constantly flooding the hallways, it wasn't going to be very easy to get back to a 'normal life'.

I thought about everything that had happened the past few weeks, I was still unsure of a few things, but those were things I would have to figure out on my own.

I sighed and got under my blanket, I was too sleepy to deal with any of this right now. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Eren's pov

It took me a second to process what had just happened. When I did, I felt nothing but regret.

I walked back to my table slowly. I didn't make eye contact with anyone. I sat down and stared at the drink I had infront of me. I heard my name get called out, I didn't answer, then yelled and I was snapped back into reality.

"Eren, is something wrong?" Hange asked, and I looked at her lowly.

"Y/n's got her memories back." I said softly. I heard a gasp come from around the table, but it wasn't the voice I thought it would be.

I look up to find the new sound and my eyes fall on Mikasa.

"Mikasa I-" I tried to explain but I was stopped by her hand, followed by her turning away and walking back to her table.

"What an I going to do?" I whispered to myself and covered my face in frustration.

Authors note:

Hah, so I feel like this is getting boring. Now there's no need to tell me otherwise, if you like this story I'm happy to know but I personally don't feel like this is the best I can do. That said I know this chapter is shorter than the rest, truth is I've been struggling a lot to keep writing and I don't want to let y'all down. I'm not trying to use this as an excuse, I just want to make sure that you know my current situation. Anyways, I'll see you in the next part. Bye❤️

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