Pt.2 Reputation to uphold

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"Y/n, get up." Mikasa said turning on the light.

I rolled over and put my head under my pillow. I know I was just sleeping for a year, but that's all I wanted right now, sleep.

"Come on y/n." She said rolling me over and my eyes widen.

"I don't wanna." I said trying roll over it Mikasa stopped me and pulled me up out of the bed.

"Stand up and get dressed." She said letting go of me and putting the clothes I laid out last night into my hands.

"Fine." I mumbled and walked to my bathroom.

I washed my face and dressed. When I went downstairs, Mikasa and my mother were already eating. There was a plate made for me so I just sat and the table and started eating aswell.

"So how did you sleep sweetie?" I mother asked, taking a bite of her toast.

"It wasn't bad." I lied, I could sleep until so late then woke up at six-thirty. I didn't want to make her feel bad though.

"That's good to hear." She smiled and took her plate to the sink.

My mother and I washed the plates while Mikasa packed our lunches. It was overall a peaceful morning.

"Y/n?" Mikasa asked, giving me a piece of paper. "These are your classes." She said pointing to each one.

"I have all of these today, for everyday?" I asked looking at all eight of them. A lot of them were going to have me going up and downstairs.

"Yes." She said walking away and putting our lunches in our bags.

"Okay." I said, walking over to the couch.

I spent the rest of the morning and the whole car ride studying my classes. Though I did I still brought in inside with me in case I forgot.

I walked around the hallway to my first class when I bumped into someone.

"Ohh I'm sorry." I said looking him in the eyes. He was tall. He looked about six feet tall. He had the most beautiful blue-green eyes I've ever seen.

"It was my fault, I should have been looking where I was going." He said then turned to walk away.

Then it was gone, the brief moment of communication was over. I put my bag back over my shoulder and continued to walk.

While I was walking to class I saw people look at me then whisper into someone's ear. In response that person would then gasp, look at me then whisper back. Some of them even gave me death glares. I wonder what could've happened. Maybe they just found out I was in the coma.

I struggled to get to class but when I did I tried to relax a bit. It didn't work because I tended back up when some girl walking into the classroom and gasped so loud at me, at least half the looked up then me to see what she was looking at.

She walked quickly to a table with her friend and whispered. Even thought she tried, I still heard her.

"What is SHE dojng here?" She asked leaning over her friends desk.

"I don't know, I hoped she died after what he did to she that night. Thought that would done a lot of us some good." Her friend said back and rolled her eyes at me.

"You right, she hurt a lot of people here. She has some balls to show back up at this place." The first girl said back and shot me a dirty look.

They both laughed and the other one sat down. I wondered what they were talking about and why they would say that about me. They must've confused me for someone else. After all, what Mikasa told me I seem like before the coma I was totally invisible.

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