Pt.4 Can we be friends...still?

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Eren's pov

She said she would come over later to study, that wasn't what I meant. I was hoping she would come over just because. But I guess not. I guess she didn't remember anything, she was totally fine around me. It was a good thing I told everyone not to say anything. I wonder what she and everyone else would do when she finds out. For now, I wouldn't tell her, with her memories gone she was happy. I wanted to keep her like that.


In our last period we didn't really talk, we just worked the whole time. She studied for half the class then worked with me. I saw her look up at me a few times. I didn't say anything but then I would find myself looking at her. I couldn't believe I was doing this after what I'd done. I needed to stop. From this point on I would think about hat night anymore. She was happy so I should be happy.

When the bell rang y/n was out the room first. I caught up to her in no time thought. "Hey don't forget, 5:30. I'll make dinner tonight." I said and quickly turned away to the parking lot in the back of the school.

I had these new feeling for her. But the same as last time, these were real. I wanted to be with her for other reasons.

When I got to my house I immediately started getting things out for dinner. I was going to empress her with at least one thing I was good at.

Just as I finished putting the food on the table, I heard a knock on the front door. She was just in time. I changed into some decent clothes before I dated so hopefully I didn't look half bad. I took in a deep inhale and opened the door.

Y/n's pov

Eren opened the door and an amazing aroma filled my nose. "Oh my, what did you just make?" I laughed and he let me step inside. "Nevermind that. How are you?" I asked putting my things down at the foot of the stairs.

"I'm fine." He said leading me to be kitchen.

"Wow." I said and I could feel my eyes light up.

On the table was a loaded baked potato. It looked like it had steak, bacon, cheese, sour cream and green onions on top. It also had a few pieces of asparagus on the side.

"Thank you Eren." I said sitting into the chair he pulled out for me."

"You're welcome." He said scooting his chair coser to the table.

I too one bite of the potato and my tastebuds felt like they were in heaven. I continued to shove more in my mouth with bite of asparagus every once in a while.

"Look y/n I know it might be good but slow down." Eren said half laughing.

"Right." I said after swallowing the lump of now mashed potato.

After we ate we went upstairs and started working. We didn't say anything like earlier. When we worked together it was like we could read each others mind. But while reading someone the things he wrote, it looked to plain, like he didn't care about it.

"Eren?" I asked, holding his pencil so he'd stop writing.

"Yes?" He asked relaxing his hand and looking up at me.

"Can we talk for a bit? Like a quick break?" I asked letting go.

"Sure." He picked up his pencil and put in between his paper and closed his notebook. "What'd you want to talk about?"

"How do you know everything they covered, but still fail?" I asked.

"None of your business." He snapped and I felt myself tense up.

"Well damn, you didn't have to be rude about it." I said clenching my fist.

"No, y/n I'm sorry." He said in a small voice.

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