Pt.11 Thanksgiving

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(I do know that at this point it's past thanksgiving, but I would still like to put these few parts as they do have some importance to the story. Love you guys❤️)

"Y/n hurry up!" Sasha yelled as she pulled one of your luggages.

"I'm trying!" I yelled back while half packing and half pulling on of my others out of the door.

"Well stop trying and start doing!" She laughed back as she placed my luggage in the trunk and hopped in the driver side.

I finished packing up my stuff and loaded it up.

"Sup." I said to everyone before crawling into the very back seat.

"Hey y/n." Marco said and gave me a small yet very happy smile.

"Sup." Mikasa said, trying to imitate me and put on her pair of sunglasses.

"You're so weird." Ymir said then turned her attention back of Historia.

In total we had Marco, Mikasa, Sasha, Ymir, Historia, Hange; who was to busy trying to read "The book of Titans" to pay any attention to us, and me.

"You all ready to go?" Sasha asked as she pulled off the street.

"Well you didn't exactly wait for us to answer." Ymir said, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry I just got excited." Sasha danced in her seat.

This was going to be my life for the next hour and a half. A car ride, full of people of very different personalities and attitudes. I wonder how the other are doing. We all broke up into three different groups so I have no idea who is riding with who in the other two cars.

"Bro turn this shit off, your music is ass." Mikasa said to Sasha who was changing through all her songs. In case you hadn't guessed it by now, all of them were about food.

"Is yours any better." Sasha returned and handed Mikasa the Aux in which she snatched and played her own playlist.

It was similar to mine but had some songs that I've never read before but liked.

"Finally someone listened to me and made their own playlist." You said to Mikasa while doing a little dance.

"Hey can I put on a song next?" Hange chimed in.

"Sure." Mikasa said and continued to him and dance along.

After the song was over, Hange had put the song up on her phone and handed it to Mikasa. She switched there phones and played the song she had put. Apparently the song was about dedicating your hearts, it was also sung in Japanese. It wasn't bad thought, it was kinda catchy.

We all ended up passing our phones around, playing different types of songs. My personal favorite so far was Ymir's song, she had played "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry. The song had been stuck in my head so much and I was glad she put it on, considering that I was bi.


Before I knew it, I saw the beach. It was a beautiful shade of blue and shone so bright under the sun.

"Look alive everyone, here we are." Historia said in a light happy the as she stared out of her window.

By the time we got to the beach house, everyone else was already there. It was probably because Sasha stopped to get food every time she saw something she liked close by.

"Damn how much did you pack? It's only three days." Ymir said in an annoyed tone, as she helped us pull all of out luggages into the rooms.

"Get the boys to help with you?" Mikasa asked and walked back to the car.

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