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Hi, everyone!How r u all doing? I'm newbie here. Abhira are my current favourite so going to start with their story bt before that I wanna clear few things because I don't want someone to read my work and later on criticised about it. I don't have any experience in story writing and english is not my native language too so you may find some grammatical mistakes and spelling errors,sorry for that before hand guys.It's jst reading is my favourite hobby so i wanna try a hand in writing too and improve myself bit by bit hope u will support me nd also a request guys suggestions are wlcm bt no criticising & copy,paste or stealing my work or ideas ok.

Sry I don't know how to write an introduction part yet😅 anyway let's get back to the story



After the Birla family left Akshu rush to room and throw herself on bed. She buired her face in the pillow and cried loudly at d game of destiny. She criedfor her sister's pain,for her Abhi's pain and for her new found feelings which jst shattered in a blink. She didn't even get d joy of her feelings getting reciprocate by her love for a moment that both her and Abhimanyu were drag far away from eachother and her sister how much happy she was to her D-Day bt looked how everything got destroyed in a matter of sec.

Akshara wiped her tears and get up from d bed.She can't fall weak now not when her sister needs her the most so Akshara went to talked to Arohi and explain her all d things bt her sister had refused to listen instead they both had got into a vry bad argument with Arhoi once again blaming her for everything. Her family tried to sort out the argument b/w them bt unlike other times this one was worst of all.Arohi hatred for Akshu has only intensified and now she doesn't even want to see her face. She announced infront of everyone that she wanted to resigned from Birla hospital and go to London to persuade her dreams b'coz now she can't breathe the same air as Akshu. Everyone try to make her understand,Akshu even offer to go away instead of her bt Arohi refused saying she doesn't want her generosity. She was firm on her decision which made everyone reluctantly agreed to her so the next day Arohi had sent her resignation letter to Birla hospital and went to London were her luv,khush bro stay without even metting Akshu and that had deeply hurt Akshu. She had cried very badly that day blaming herself that because of her,her sister went away. Her Aaru had to faced the same phase which she once faced.She cries at nt being able to fulfill her Sirat mumma only promise that made Akshara hallow from inside she can never forgive herself for this she decided then and there to completely buried her new found feelings for Abhimanyu Birla deep in her heart.

On the other side it's been 2 weeks since after the tilak ceremony were he was very hurt and had angrily drove away from there in his car.His family was worried as hell for him so they sent Neil and Parth to get him home safely which they did with lots of struggle b'coz he was totally out of control that day.He doesn't used to believe in love bt Akshu was one who made him believed in it only to left him alone.Abhimanyu was shattered totally.If it's not for his mother who console him nd made him understand that it's not easy for a girl to go against her family,maybe Akshara must be having some reason behind keeping her silence on that day. She said that he should try to know that and if they both truly loves eachother then he shouldn't let Akshara go away from his life. It brought a hope in him itself and right after that moment he fetched phone and called her bt like his feelings she ignored his calls too.He wanted to go to goneka villa and meet Akshu.Only he knows how much he is longed to see her,talked to her,to demand his answers form her in these 2 weeks bt he control himself b'coz as far as he knows his Akshu,she wouldn't open her mouth easily for her others always come first and after Aarohi had resigned and left for London he doubt she will even be ready to meet him.So he decided to use his own ways to get his answers.As of now as per his mother suggetion,after what had happened at tilak ceremony b/w his nd her family, he had decided to let the things cool down.He know his Akshu needs times so for now he decided to wait because unlike last time he didn't want to rushed with things and mess it up once again.

Abhi ki Akshuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें